Why won't she answer questions about all those people she killed with her bare hands in Benghazi?
Why won't she answer questions about all those people she killed with her bare hands in Benghazi?
He's obviously from Obamastan.
Jeeze, where's Sgt. Murtaugh when you need him?
Isn't that just par for the course on Yahoo articles? Regardless of the story?
At the 2:40 mark, it appears a few more folks are jaywalking.
How long has Dr Ore been a professor? She should know by now that Campus PD is only lenient if you're raping fellow students.
I know you know how much I also hate Guy Fieri, but I would eat that abomination and I would eat it all in one sitting, so help me God.
well, I mean, she was walking while black, so...what did she expect was gonna happen?
Psh, when I get 100 balls for my birthday everyone just slut-shames me :(
the best part is the awkward shot of the woman who didnt realize she was being filmed at the start.
Okay, things not to play with:
My aunt was a mother at 14, a grandma at 29, a great grandma at 46, a great great grandma at 65. She's 71 now, so let's see how it shakes out. We have 6 living generations when you including my 93 yo grandma.
I'd rather have that Renault 8 than a gun, thanks.
There is no such thing as "playing" with a gun. It is a device designed to quickly and efficiently kill something.
I bet you wish you still had it. $$$$
Yeah, like all those tax cuts, corporate subsidies, bailouts, etc. Yes, we all want those, said no liberal ever.
Too bad they're not giving away penises; that's what most gun nuts really need.