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If they had an actual Renault 10 in their lot, I'd go there right now for a test drive!

I honestly don't know how anyone can delude themselves into thinking getting rid of legal abortion will somehow stop all abortions ever. Pretty sure abortion has been around since the first person figured out that eating certain herbs induced miscarriage.

When I realized that the feathers were actually letters, I read it as: "ASSHAT" and I'm going to stick with that.

When my grandma turned 24 we stopped visiting her at the retirement home because she was too decrepit and grotesque.

Putting this gross old lady on my screen instantly killed my boner forever.

YANKton! Heh heh...

Man, you'd think a fast food Mexican joint would at the very least want to avoid any synonym for toilet in their actual name.

Wyoming's answer to Taco Bell that, much like a prairie fire or herpes, has spread throughout the Midwest.

I expected a lot more class from an establishment called Taco John's.

This makes him more dateable! Girls like guys with a checkered, vomit-splattered past.

"Jesus turned water into wine. I turned whiskey into vomit. It's basically the same thing and if you were dateable you'd get it."

Don't bring Rick Moranis into this!

You know, a dateable bartender would have known to cut him off.

Guy Fieri/Rick Moranis love child?

You know it's coming, but somehow, when it happens it always feels better than you thought it would be.

I know it's petty.... But after (too many) weeks spent at church camp (yeah, it's a thing) during my adolescence listening to terrible dudes saying sexist things and getting laughs, respect, and admiration, this is just a delight to read. So glad to hear that one of the guys from this philosophical lineage: "It's

Lookadoo sounds like something a kid says when they are potty training and want you to actually look at their poo.