Don't worry, no one will.
Don't worry, no one will.
I feel like "going commando" really should be reserved for situations where you're stealthily not wearing any underwear. If it's designed or things are exposed...then you're just flashing junk.
Can't be. Your guy didn't have a black box for a head....
CA isn't even in the top 10 for insurance fraud rates. Florida is #1. a free kick to the gnuts?
This must be the same guy. Idiot.
Just more proof that eyewitnesses are the least reliable evidence. I wish more prosecutors, and especially jurors, accepted this fact.
They haven't?
Who wants a mustache ride?
Did Obama ban manual transmissions?
Because it was germane to the story? What is your objection to its inclusion?
What's wrong afraid you might catch the gay? Dick.