
Just a warning: We checked our bags probably 3-4 hours before our flight after Thanksgiving only to have the flight cancelled on us about two hours before takeoff. We checked three things: a stroller and two suitcases. For some reason they put the stroller on the next flight out to Boston (!!!) but not the bags. They

The town he is mayor of is 25% black and 20% Hispanic.  The cop who shot Eric Logan was gotten rid of very quickly, unlike how it often plays out in other cities, because of actions Pete took earlier.  The mayor does not have authority to fire cops, but appoints to the board that does, and Pete made sure that board

I came to drinking coffee late in life at 35 (I’m 50 now). I also started with a lot of sweetener and creamer. I had a friend tell me this was no way to really enjoy coffee, that black coffee was the only way to drink it.

Nah, for $29.00 i will get the

Or just someone who doesn’t make much who doesn’t understand your financial priorities... Like sure I might hypothetically make 4 times what you make, but what if I really want to retire early so I save half of it?

“But you have so much money!”

I had to write off David Chang, he’s a bull in a china shop, has no cultural respect, rough, and there’s no intellectual content at all.

That’s the point. You ever see the rest of Florida? ‘Nothing there’ is a blessing.

My theory:  It’s a cover story for his constant masturbation.

I don’t disagree. But it’s still the parent’s fault. I remember being mad at my “mean” parents for making me eat my vegetables. My own kids think I’m “SO MEAN!” when I make them eat their veggies or don’t let them have that 3rd cookie.

Part of the job of being a parent is that you have to do the hard things. I had a friend with a severe hormonal deficiency and he required daily injections. Well guess what? An 8 year old boy doesn’t like getting shots every day. His mom felt too heartbroken to watch her little boy cry about the shot every day, so she

It was mostly the parents’ fault, but if doctors had any training in nutrition beyond testing for vitamin levels and actually spent five minutes talking to patients about what they ate, this could have been avoided.

Seriously. This kid had shitty parents who gave up. End of story.

The case is much more complex than it appears here.  He stopped his B-12 shots which is an indication that his parents were letting him make his medical decision.  He apparently was missing many essential vitamins, but there is no mention of having him take supplements.  It sounds like a kid with a real problem like

100% meat-eaters here, never been a “vegetarian” (although I eat vegetables too....), and I agree. Those kind of guys are assholes.

Is there any more annoying person on the internet than the proud meat-eater annoyingly and constantly yelling about how annoying vegetarians are? 

Regardless of fake-meat’s quality, I’m always surprised how furious meat-eaters get at the mere existence of fake-meat and that anyone would try to compare it to real meat.

“I kept my underwear on during the massage. I don’t like massages particularly.”

I feel like there’s an extremely high chance these people were hired specifically for the show. Unscripted reality TV is almost non-existent in America.

> men who reply to women’s tweets like it’s their job, adding their own little take, no matter the subject

Wait, isn’t this what Twitter is *for*? Or is the important distinction that they only do this to women’s tweets? (Do we know this?)