
I think that part of the problem isn’t just that Spotify was dropping service very soon after selling it to unknowing customers, but that they also made sure that the device couldn’t be used in any other way.

Can companies not be evil fucks FOR FIVE MINUTES?!

Ready Player One made over $600 million, that’s not exactly a flop.

I suppose you could make them noisier, but reduction of noise pollution is one of the benefits of EV’s and it would be a shame to lose that. I would prefer just making cities more pedestrian friendly which, nearly by definition, makes them less car friendly. But that’s fine with me. Without doing any research

The people who built the Portal: “We certainly expected more decency, morality and self control from the residents of (looks at notes) Downtown Manhattan and Dublin.”

Novelty will probably wear off in a few days, and then you won’t see shenanigans - just tourists posing by it. 

Why is it cheaper? You’re asking the wrong question. As with most drugs, the question you should be asking is “why is it so expensive”? Because there is absolutely no reason whatsoever for semaglutide to be anywhere near as expensive as it currently is.

Cannes is a weird crowd, and one I’m not a big fan off. One of my Top 5 worst movie ever won the Cannes Palme D’or.

His death was caused by his unknown and undiagnosed congenital heart defect. Any spicy food (or anything that raised his heart rate, really) could have killed him. Sucks for everyone involved, but the chip was a contributing factor at best. 

it’s a tad bit more complicated than that

Max’s new prequel to Denis Villeneuve’s sci-fi saga follows the rise of the Bene Gesserit, 10,000 years before the events of Dune

Whatever, both groups are equally fucked regardless of the difference.  The far right spent 50 years effectively killing the middle class, so either you’re poor or a millionaire, there is no in between anymore, and if there is it’s so far on its way out the door it barely matters.

Maybe because Millennials know how to do their jobs, like edit headlines?

Everything in America is a scam.

The title is misleading. All the headphones listed are wireless. No wired options are listed that sound great for $150 or less. Like the AKG 371 or the Beyerdynamic DT770.

Grew up listening to Red Sox games on the radio with my Great-Grandfather even though the picture was on TV. Just better announcers.

My sports stations have had an FM channel for years now. The problem is that the AM is still generally the stronger of the two. There are pockets in town where only one works over the other and you have to switch back and forth. At home, the FM is nearly nonexistent.

You have no idea, sadly.

Tell me you’ve never had to listen to your favorite baseball team through an AM broadcast 1500 miles away without telling me.

It's to save right wing talk radio.