
It’ll stay around for a long time as a physical media, I just think it’s value in the rental market has all but depleted. People still value physical media that they OWN. Vinyl Records are at the highest sales since the 90s. I very specifically buy movies I want to OWN, movies that are meaningful to me, movies that

You should mention that the “Third Space” commercial was directed by DAVID LYNCH!

Nathan’s does apparently sell a vegan dog though, so yeah, it’s technically competition, but I agree, I don’t think the two demographics have much overlap.

This is a list for people who have never used a computer and don’t know how to use Google.

This is what movie reviews have turned into? Just showing unqualified people’s tweets? This is just movie gossip at this point...

My beef isn’t with the autopsy, it’s with the headline.

Right, but the spicy stuff didn’t actively cause a heart attack. Corona virus actively attacks the cells in your body. The response to spicy food is purely reflexive. What happened to this kid is closer to an allergic reaction. I don’t think we say people were killed by a bee sting or a peanut if they have a bee or

Comparing a virus to a heart attack and a spicy chip is not at all the same thing. You don’t accidentally spread and contract a spicy chip.

But...he didn’t die from the chip...he had a heart attack...what the fuck is this headline???? He could have died from anything that would have raised his heart rate and/or blood pressure...it’s not like he died from an ulcer or allergic reaction. He had an underlying condition. I wouldn’t say that’s the chips

You could argue that once a civilization becomes sufficiently advanced (or stops advancing), it no longer develops. Early human civilizations remained relatively unchanged for hundreds and thousands of years. Hell there are still remote tribes that have literally been unchanged for millennia.

Oh yeah, I know TONS of people who will mute the TV and listen to the radio play by play.

AM is pretty wild. “Clear Channel” radio stations can be heard from over a thousand miles away. My grandpa talked about listening to radio shows from Nashville from his home in Wisconsin.

The sports broadcasts for my teams have all switched to FM stations...so, I guess I’m fine with killing AM radio... :’c

If they kill off AM radio, they should just have mandates about how the shows should be accessible nationwide on the internet. I still don’t understand how you can have free terrestrial TV and Radio

Wasn’t their talk a couple years ago about how the AM radio frequencies could be repurposed for a free public internet of sorts, which would be especially useful for people in rural areas that don’t have access to traditional internet/broadband?

The problem is that voice control actually sucks. The only time it’s beneficial is if your hands are full and/or you don’t currently have your device in your hand and it’s not convenient to grab it. Currently, a lot of the problems AI assistants can solve are much more quickly resolved with a couple of quick taps on

Maybe they should just cast all of these people and shoot it like that Bob Dylan movie, I’m Not There.

What do you mean still somehow about racism? Musk’s family got their wealth from racism.

Elliot Page would be good too just cause it would really ruffle Musk’s feathers, plus Page is awesome.

I’m still hoping for Kathy Bates.

cause they’re gonna trash his character. It’s freaking Darren Aronofsky. He doesn’t make soft fluffy movies...

I don’t think they had an incentive to release week to week. The show already had a major build in audience, and because they did, there’s LOTS of people who wait for a season to complete so that they CAN binge the show.

As much as I agree, a weekly release is better for culture and appreciation, I don’t think the