
How do games like this, Gardenscapes or any game that has that (somewhat cool looking) gameplay of puzzles that cause the character to fall into spikes or lava get away with misleading from the actual gameplay?  I’d think there would be long established laws of false advertising.  

Seriously, fuck Florida and fuck “Stand Your Ground”. It’s legalized murder, over and over again. 

Couple of douche bags.  Obligatory: Fuck Florida.

Burton doing Wednesday seemed like him slumming it so much... similarly to when Spielberg did Ready Player One... getting hired to direct something someone else did that was kind of an homage to a style they themselves popularized.

Am I the only one who was entirely underwhelmed by the finale? Like...really? That was it? He saved Ellie one last time and then just lies about what happened? Nothing happened in that episode. There was no catharsis. No resolution. No character growth. No resolution. They’re left in the same messed up world they

It’s a promising sign for the second season. Even with HBO being run by a bunch of penny-pinching cheapskates now, it should still get a really good budget and then some for season 2.

I watched most of the Gundam Wing dub as realmedia files. I went straight and bought the DVD collection... but I still watch the dub over japanese of that show to this day

No big surprise there

I think his rampage in the show is hinging on the fact that Ellie was already being prepped for surgery prior to him being walked out. He was operating under the assumption that Ellie could go into surgery any moment, so he had to get there as fast as possible while eliminating the threats at hand. He believed seconds

Personally - and I’m not saying people who thinks otherwise are wrong, mainly because it’s impossible to objectively ascribe “right” or “wrong” labels to such situations - I would have made the same choice Joel made, and would sincerely believe I was right, as I believe Joel was. Let me explain this.

Yep.  Canceled my subscriptions to HBO Max and Discovery+ when they canceled Westworld and Raised by Wolves.

Kinda wild that RealPlayer failed.  I remember playing an interactive Sum41 music video in RealPlayer.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever...still think it’s pretty cool.

Good lord, xvid. Next there’s going to be an article about uses for  RealPlayer

ChatGPT can not tell you if its lying. ChatGPT can’t tell if it is lying. It does exactly what its told, in the manner it was programmed (trained) to do.

...the past is making a comeback in a back way.

Please explain why DO you hate fun so much?

Not sure how the storefront works, but I imagine releasing something new bumps it to the forefront of the storefront.

I appreciate the hustle.

Oh man, everything AI will be a shitshow before it does us any good.

I’d want to see the scripts she was given before judging the effectiveness of her rewrites. Also, do you know that there were writers on set? There have been horror stories of scripts being churned out and the writers room shut down even before filming begins.

Wait. People put pineapple on the pizza AFTER it’s cooked? Mental. I’ve always been fine with it on pizza, but I’ve never had a pizza where it was added post-cooking. That sounds so insane to me.