
“I might have grown up since I was first exposed to first-person survival horror Outlast in 2013, I’m taller and my hair is longer...”

on the contrary, to me, this is evidence that we’ve engineered the ultimate soldiers. nothing can phase them, not even a within-inches brush with death. they’re invincible ... as long as we can keep their devices charged

The way dude on the left starts recording and the other guy keeps talking into the mic then gives his social media card (?) to the cop and talks into the camera with his YT channel. JFC we live in the dumbest timeline. 

I once openly applauded Black Twitter for helping POC catch racists and ensure their just social rewards/punishments.


And yes, despite all their worker surveillance, Amazon still hasn’t come up with a tool which stops their drivers from parking illegally, blocking crosswalks and bike lanes, and generally being a menace on the streets. 

Easily hundreds of billions of dollars. Plus, I’m having a tough time coming up with another state that has the land and infrastructure that could support another Disney World. The northern half of the country is a probably a no-go because of the winter weather. The southwest is out of the question because it would

I was just wondering that myself.

How so? It’s a pun making fun of the silly double plus in the peripheral’s name by describing it with the Newspeak word “doubleplusgood” (meaning “very, very good”) from 1984.


The title of this made me think contestants were accused of assault during filming or off camera but no, they are charged outside of the production. So in honesty the show has absolutely nothing to do with their charges except they once appeared on it. So just what is it that you are trying to insinuate here? 

What on earth is this article? You say it’s steeped in assault allegations and then it turns out to be a throwaway line at the very end where it turns out two (2!%) of the (unnamed) contestants have allegations against them. Is that even higher than the average at all?

It has literally nothing to do with the show, or

I really loved the show, super entertaining, but there’s zero way going in a controversy like this wasn’t going to rear it’s head eventually. Too many roids, too much ego, too many opportunities for bad people to get selected for the show because “big body and abs”.

I wonder if it is due to HDR?

Actually, the disabled community has A LOT of beefs with Family Guy, and his character is a big one. Regardless of your feelings one way or another, I guarantee you that he’s been criticized and asked to apologize about the show quite a bit.

• Has that slow clicker noise always been at the end of the recaps? So eerie.

There is no way in hell they actually want to take his cat away. Seriously, he’s just trying to say anything to incite the morons who believe his crap. 

You just reminded me how much I hate it when people pronounce it “melk”. 

Considering it Half-Life 3 would require it to continue the story meaningfully past where Episode 2 ended.