
People saying we never got a Halflife 3 haven’t played Alyx yet.

The year ends in 3, so don’t expect anything!

“...nearly matches the “performance specifications of a regulation basketball, including its weight, size and rebound”

Can anyone name one thing he’s done to make Twitter better since taking over?”

The (very brief) period where he let anyone get verified and a bunch of brands saw their stock prices plummet as verified twitter impersonators clowned them was pretty fun. But I don’t think that was intentional.

I doubt there will be anything left to step down from by year end. It amazes me that, with all the companies he’s supposedly in charge of, he manages to dedicate so much time to screwing up Twitter. Can anyone name one thing he’s done to make Twitter better since taking over?

It’s probably not a coincidence that the decline in religious belief in the past few years coincides with the rise in belief in conspiracies and whatnot. It seems the average man just needs something to believe in that provides an easy-to-understand explanation of how the world works, and it doesn’t matter what said

This is a great, good-ol’-days-style Lifehacker article that actually provides useful hacks.

Since I have almost no knowledge of the game, I thought the bloater was silly. It reminded me of the old Toxic Avenger Troma character. And for a “prestige show” that went to great lengths to explain that the infected are fungus whose main motivation is to infect everything living, having a “final form” exist to

Bella Ramsey seems pretty cool. I hope they are going to have a big career in the future. They are great as Ellie. 

Hey, “that guy” is here!

I’ve never played the game, but the bloater’s appearance and the lead-up to it was totally my cup of tea. I had fully intended on skipping the show due to zombie (well, mostly Walking Dead) burnout, but all the Ep. 3 buzz got me started and I’m enjoying it. As soon as the bloater came crawling out, my feeling was,

I was doing fieldwork  in Egypt for a few weeks and whenever the cook made fried cauliflower I would get super excited. Egyptian-style fried cauliflower is a game-changer. 

Dont worry. We killed that chicken, fried him* up good and ate him*. Death to homophobic cocks! Stay woke!

Go for it. A portion of your purchase will be used to fund the weekly homo beheading lottery

Hell, even just cauliflower heavily roasted with butter and salt is pretty damn tasty, too.

There’s a local Himalayan place that has something called “Cauliflower 65" which is like fried and covered in some kind of indian spice blend and it’s fantastic.

The cauliflower actually isn’t that homophobic, but it is oddly much more transphobic than the chicken. Swings and roundabouts.

fun fact: they call it the halftime show because it occurs between the first and second half of the Super Bowl

Ya’ll scared of the beyhive? Prince is #1 and it’s not close.