
Oh, yeah, I guess it is true that the serial is actually a fairly ancient concept by this point.

Her latest book involved a trans person killing an author.

Her explanation from June 2020 seems reasonable.

JK Rowling is vocally and adamantly anti-trans. Period. It’s not an interpretation, it’s all there in her Twitter.

I think if you are upset at extremely valid criticism (that in no way needs a fine-toothed comb to unpack) over a video game, you are a giant baby and in fact playing video games is probably a pretty good use of your time, then.

I hope they paid Herman Miller/Eames for ripping off their 50 year old design.

A lot of Netflix’s Korean content are released weekly or in parts weeks apart. And they generally do very well.

It’s a holdover from way back when Netflix had little competition in that area and the binge model was a novelty. Quite a few shows were critically acclaimed as well so people were actually rushing to watch it all over the weekend and the effect of the classic water cooler talk on Monday worked.

I keep seeing the argument that the people upset are a “small group of loud/vocal people”. No shit. That does invalidate their arguments. We can all point to many many instances where a small group of loud/vocal people were in the right.

And every time this argument about how very few people are complaining, a dog

I think an argument could be made that in the case of Wednesday, Jenna Ortega’s dance is pretty much the full extent of the show’s cultural impact, and everything else in it was the footnote.

I think The Mandalorian really showed the benefit of letting episodes breathe and build buzz in the wake of the Netflix model. No way Baby Yoda blows up as much as it did if it all dropped as one big thing forgotten about after the weekend...as Stranger Things now tends to be.

It’s kind of amazing how often function follows the form that’s following another function, isn’t it? TV shows used to air once a week because that’s all that media technology could manage at first: there were no video tape recorders, much less streaming devices.

Agreed 100%. The novelty of dumping a whole season’s worth of content at once has wore off. Binging old shows is all fine and good but I find myself more engaged with newer shows when they are dropped once a week. Stranger Things being the exception. However, I would not be mad if Netflix uses Stranger Things 5 as a

This! I have no idea why NetFlix thinks it’s so critical that it needs to be possible to binge all their shows. Surely the fact that if you space out the episodes, then you don’t need to produce new episodes so frequently, would be appealing to them.

I hope Netflix learns something from this. I guarantee they wouldn’t have seen this kind of boost of the whole season had been dropped at once. When you can only consume a show one week at a time, you have a week to talk about what just happened and speculate about what’s going to happen next. On the other hand, when

Should be $5 off or $45. not $5.

Should be $5 off or $45. not $5.

I follow a couple of writers for Rick & Morty on Twitter, and their reactions to this morning’s THR article are basically:

Well, the jerk store called and they say they want it’s AI back.

Can they do a study on small dicks and bro trucks next? 

Super proud of my small penis and my very practical 4 door sedan