
I think that’s a studio issue more than a theatre issue.

Yeah, I was being more flippant than anything else. I think everyone in this discussion is being perfectly reasonable. Which is not always standard behavior in a comments section.

The main reason we don’t have intermissions in movies these days, even though the average blockbuster runs well over two hours, is that theater owners hate them. If you give the audience a 10-20 minute break two-thirds into the movie and multiply that by the number of screenings in a typical business day, that amounts

I feel like it’s not fair for you to compose a well-reasoned and balanced response when people are writing quick “Old Man Yells At Cloud” reactions. That seems mean-spirited. Can’t you just reply with a GIF of a meme or something? This is Kinja.

No worse than the Gilette communicator.

I just don’t understand why he put up the poll in the first place. Is he actually so delusional that he thinks people really love what he’s doing with Twitter?

He could pick just about anyone and they would be more competent than him... Ok, that’s not entirely true because there are a lot of people who are impossibly stupid, but the point still stands. Many people would make better choices than musky boy the man-baby.

“I will take my ball and go home to the server room in the basement!”

I think he definitely has a point that music has become “too easy,” both in the making, but especially in the acquiring. Serious listening has gone well out the window over the last 20 years, and people who hit ‘skip song” after 15 seconds would otherwise be in the 90s, sitting through the entire CD they just bought

“Do you ever wonder why Spielberg wanted nothing to do with this???” one response read. “Could it have anything to do with [Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy’s] desire to destroy every male character that either George or he created? That woman needs help.”

When the film comes out and they are proven wrong, they will just claim that they forced reshoots to the ORIGINAL ending. 

As if recasting isn’t a thing, and a common one at that.

I love how his tweet is in response to someone confused how characters played by somebody in one place could be played by someone else in another.

you say that like it is a bad thing....

So will this make all the dust, hair and fingernail clippings under the keys more or less obvious?

Something like this could have some interesting uses, such as dynamic keys when using programs like AutoCAD with a ton of commands.

Having been in the hospital too many times to count, I do highly recommend the sleep mask and headphones. The last four times I was admitted, I end up with older men as roommates, and they all have been doing the exact same thing; they turn on Fox News on their TV and leave it on. All...G*Damn...Night. It’s bad enough

Please do not do this. Fabric made for clothing is very different from upholstery fabric, which generally has a finish designed to repel dirt and wear. In place on a seat pad that gets used even semi-regularly, your ex-sweater will stretch, fade, bobble and wear through very quickly. If you are going to the expense of

Thanks for the details. I wasn’t aware there were more types of AC’s then the few I have seen that blow heat outside.

It was Plexiglass. More concerning... the tank was just serviced and reopened last year or so.