
How is it different from “Trump Steaks” or “Trump Water” though? Those failed too, didn’t stop him from winning an election. It’s stupid, expensive, poor-quality, and long after the fad died. On brand for him.

It didn’t work because you didn’t do anything different.

I’m sure his lawyers also told him not to buy Twitter.

This. If he actually follows through, (which he won’t cause his lawyers will surely tell him this), it will be thrown out immediately. All Sweeney is doing is posting public information that he’s not even generating, he’s getting it from other sources. If Elon wants to change the whole system and make private air

This is settled law. The caselaw is on the side of the tracker. Now I’m just waiting for a state to ban the tracking of private jets.

Meh, still not worth buying an Apple phone.

The thing about TLJ that no one seems to notice is that Johnson basically gave the franchise a big exit at the end. Everything TFA set up is gone. The First Order has been effectively destroyed — their leader is dead, their main fleet (which was also their industrial center) is destroyed, their military braintrust is

Seriously, and I don’t see enough people talking about it. Disney, in their infinite wisdom, should have had one person running the entire trilogy from start to finish. Regardless of directors, one vision. But what we got was JJ (the Star Trek director? really? They’re completely different! WHY!?) writing a story that

The biggest problem with TLJ is that it was mostly pretty boring. 

You’re just voting for more by commenting. If you want it to end, you have to stop clicking. And DEFINITELY stop commenting.

Disney only understood Star Wars in terms of OT nostalgia. The Force Awakens indulged that nostalgia; The Last Jedi subverted it. But both movies were dependent on nostalgia as the foundation. That was the only “plan.”

Yeah, that was my biggest problem with TLJ. It didn’t subvert expectations for any reason other than subverting them. Luke throws away the lightsaber! Snoke doesn’t matter at all! Rey’s parents were nobodies!

But, the hill I will die on time and time again, the character assassination of Luke was just completely out

The problem was a lack of clear direction and a planned overall arc for the three movies. That exacerbates the issues with each one of them.

I think he’s beginning to understand that free speech is the freedom to suppress speech you don’t like unless you’re the government.

I bet this bot could have made a great slideshow though.

That’s why we keep coming here.

Whoever believed even for a moment that Elon cares about “free speech” are the dumbest people on the planet and should walk into an active volcano. He bought Twitter to control the narrative. That’s it.

A technical Gizmodo article may be too high a bar. How about the typical entry on a news aggregation site? Or text to accompany a listicle on clickbait site? I’ve come across text predating large language models that could easily be automated now, with no loss in value. (When you’re starting from zero, you can’t fall

It was terrible. It kept messing up the facts and the writing was just terrible!

ChatGPT Wrote a Terrible Gizmodo Article