
My wife and I just blew through all the episodes over the weekend and loved it. Went back and started Dark since we never got around to it but wanted to watch it. Enjoying it so far.

Made almost this exact comment before scrolling down and seeing yours lol.

So my phone now gets its own phone...

He’s been disconnected for a long time, it’s kind of sad as he really was a voice for good for a very long time now he’s just a rich tool.

Surprisingly, “Your refrigerator was built by Samsung,” was not on the list. The number of YouTube videos about addressing ice-maker issues is voluminous—a fact I wish I would have checked in addition to the Consumer Reports review before we purchased ours.

Chapelle genuinely doesn’t understand most people go to his shows because they remember how funny his old CC show was, not because they think he is some sage of social commentary. The latter group is a vocal minority, and the only part of the audience who sees Musk as the same sort of god figure Chapelle, Rogan, and

The real funny thing is he probably still thinks he is speaking the same truth to power he did when he was 30 by making fun of his fans in the “cheap” seats (probably like $150 if not more) for disapproving of the richest man in the world.

The Clayton Bigsby skit is growing even more uncomfortable over time.

Chapelle has completed his transition to a middle aged white Republican.

I mean, acting dense as to why people don’t like him isn’t doing you any favors.

It was when he became a pre-vaccination Covid denier because he wanted his factory workers to risk their heath to meet his earnings goals.

For me it was when he said “We will coup whoever we want”.

Elon Musk is an asshole, so nothing about this surprises me.

No, *you* shut the fuck up, Chappelle!

HAHAHAHAHA. What in fuck did he think was going to happen. Musk is nowhere near as popular IRL as he thinks he is online. Admittedly thats because the army of Musk stan bots don't exist IRL but you'd have thought he'd have worked that out by now.

looking forward to see this new “urbex” destination when the prototype gets abandoned

Cameron probably doesn’t get enough credit for pushing the FX industry, and particularly digital effects. The Abyss and Terminator 2 were films that really challenged the post-Star Wars ILM to develop their CGI capabilities.

If I was dumb enough to be a minion toiling at Twitter, it’d be a cold day in Hell before I crashed there.  Work a solid day from 8-to-5 and head home.  If Muskrat didn’t like my output, he could fire me.  What a dick.

Now that is interesting, even if the code isn't efficient or "elegant" as long as outs readable and who structured it could be great for custom script writing or solving small logic problems

A minor thing maybe, but this seems like a dumb mechanic to include in the first place.