
60 seconds to get to 72°F, which doesn’t qualify as “iced”; that’s more ‘room temperature’; the product page says you need to let it sit “a bit longer” to get it to iced temperatures, but never actually says how long that its. And as long as you never want to drink more than 12.5 ounces of iced coffee in one sitting

60 seconds to get to 72°F, which doesn’t qualify as “iced”; that’s more ‘room temperature’; the product page says

... huh. Yeah. Screw whoever put her and the entire crew at risk. Yeesh.

i haven’t seen any mixed reviews -- everyone seems to really like it. it broke a record, didn’t it? i really liked it.

Sneaking off to Mexico while basically everyone in Texas was without power during a freeze. That detail should never be left out.

Let’s add one: the time he got caught sneaking off to Mexico and blamed it on his two daughters. Father of the fucking year.

Man, I remember when I was in college, it was a selling point on the campus tour that all the dorms were newly wired for ethernet.

That would have to be weird for her... if shes attending classes of 12-15 year olds, they probably have zero idea who she is.

I can’t speak to outlets’ decision on what and what not to cover, but the terms Ted Cruz himself has laid out for us all is that what would seem to be personal family matters (whether, when, and under what circumstances to have children, what recreational activities to take your children to, what medical care to

This poor kid’s situation is fucked from all angles. Her dad’s a well-known POS and, if it’s true she’s bi-sexual, I can only imagine how that’s going to go down in that household. Part of me loves what is happening to Mr. Cruz while the logical and realistic part of me only worries for that child and how she has to

I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.

He’s a piece of shit, no need for further proof we already got that years ago.

Don’t forget that:

ChatGPT, write an article about using ChatGPT for the first time.

A scary amount of people do. It’s part of why so many stupid people believe stupid shit. All that Q crap, pizza-gate, etc. That shit started on 4chan but spread like wildfire on Facebook among stupid people.

Sounds like a win. Only weirdos and freaks get their news from FB, I didn’t even know instagram had news. I can’t imagine what kind of person gets their news on instagram.

Right?  I’m failing to see the downside to this.

I was just going to reply with a similar comment. Mine was just going to be a simple .gif I feel the world will be a better place without news on either platform.

Anyone here object to Facebook and Instagram removing news?

the actual answer is to stop implementing ‘use’ taxes like gas taxes. They punish poor people the most.

I’m not a photographer, so I guess that excuse is out. (Edit- just saw your username, I am guessing you are a photographer!)