
Finally, a reasonable take!

If EV owners are shirking their responsibility, then gas vehicle owners are also shirking their responsibility.

As someone surrounded by the damn things, NO! Every major road leaving this city is a damned toll road and has been for 30+ years. They were supposed to pay for the road then go away, but once you give the government a revenue stream, they won’t let it go.

These should be swept

You could say the EV owner is already contributing to society in many other ways. A reduced pollution footprint which leads to less respiratory issues and less of a need for public health funding. I’m sure other readers can add other money saving points relative to taxation.


It’s a difficult pill to swallow, but it is a fact that EV owners have been shirking their responsibility to help maintain the public infrastructure they also benefit from by avoiding their share of the maintenance taxes.
Gas taxes have the benefit of being relatively proportional to use of the system, this fee isn’t

I spent 10 months trying to find a decent contractor to repair my home after a ferocious storm.

It could get even easier with some of the new induction chargers that can wirelessly recharge your EV. You wouldn’t even need to plug it in at the dock.

Not that it has happened yet. By loading/unload docks having charging infrastructure installed would go a long way as well.

Great Milestone. Wake me when it’s in the hands of owner-operators.

Wow, a rational comment that isn’t filled another reminder how stupid Elon is. Take a star!

It doesn’t need to be said yet again, but Ye is demonstrably stupid. Hitler never invented a damn thing, never provided any benefit to society. Ye is confusing the probably Telefunken-made Neumann CMV-3 condenser mic clone as being “invented” by Hitler because, well he’s an idiot. Georg Neumann invented the “bottle

NoNo pic of a fish spatula for those of us kitchen-challenged?

You’re right!

We all know who Cameron is. And we all remember how Avatar was an effects spectacle with pretty much nothing else going for it creatively. “Excellent”? Technically, sure. Story, characters, performances, setting, pacing? It’s at about the level of a low-tier Pixar movie. And way below Cameron’s previous efforts, which

ummm i dont think were really allowed to say that

Lesbian is when you manspread and slouch, just like a dudebro!

I think you nailed it. Additionally I think you pick up on other visual cues like hair color / style / volume that also feels like a giveaway. It’s that thing you see a lot of (ok, maybe I’ve seen it once) where everyone thinks previous generations looked older (ie “Here’s my dad at 21! He looks 40!”), but some of

It looks good on these people whose faces we aren’t familiar with, but I’d like to see it in action with actors whose faces we already know super well, especially actors who are older now but who worked a lot when younger.