
Who is even buying Dbrand stuff? I don’t think I know a single person IRL who uses Dbrand skins, nor do Ithink I’ve ever noticed one in the wild. It’s wild to me they’re successful enough to build a brand identity that is rude.

Holy crap! I was not aware of that! What an amazing story, haha. Yeah, that’s certainly closer to a a BioShock type failure of Randianism.

It’s kind of amazing though really. It’s like a small scale, low impact, real time experiment showing what would happen if we let Randian/Libertarian ideologies run rampant.

Except for Aliens...same guy tho.

But Resurrections was SUPPOSED to be trash. It almost wasn’t even a Matrix movie, it was a meta commentary on Warner Brothers forcing a new Matrix movie to be made. WB said they were making another with or without the Wachowskis and Lana basically said, if anyone is going to kill my darling, it’s going to be me!


Kind of a ship of Theseus argument don’t ya think? Or a Star Trek Transporter argument. My point was that they didn’t write a song for the deceased John Lennon and then use AI to recreate his voice. They didn’t recreate his voice from scratch, nor did they make him sing something he hadn’t already sung.

But we also

or firing people and rehiring at lower wages.  I wonder what the protections would be there...

Why is this on a tech blog? lol

We really need to get rid of this myth at people WAY back when lived significantly shorter lives. They didn’t. The reason life expectancy was so low was because of high child mortality. If you made it to age 65 in 1940, you were expected to live until about 77 or 78.

According to SSA.gov (https://www.ssa.gov/OACT/TR/TR0

I think First World Sriracha is better than Huy Fong:

The copyright office basically says only literary expression is copyrightable. So the rules of a game are not, but the art and ideas surrounding the rules are.

I don’t think you can copyright game rules...so what is the NYT’s actual claim? A third party might not be able to use the same name or colors, since those could be trademarked, but the NYT can’t copyright a game where a player has to guess a 5 letter word and is given information about how close their guess is to the

Yes, absolutely, or if the creators of the training data were appropriately compensated for the use of their material. For example, Adobe’s AI (supposedly) is exclusively trained on Adobe Stock items, and they are apparently compensating the creators for use of their items. Who knows if it’s fair, but it’s a step in

Procedurally generated isn’t making assets from scratch. You provide the assets and give it rules on how to flesh out the world with the assets you created. Generative AI is creating the assets from training data based on other people’s work.

Great...privileged guy who lucked his way into being a successful filmmaker has privileged daughter who “lucked” her way into being a filmmaker.

I’ve been seeing TONS of ads for these kinds of events all over Facebook. I’ve tried to report them for being misleading or as scams, but Facebook says the ads don’t violate guidelines...we need regulation about AI ads yesterday...

EDIT: Ok, I did just look at this event and the ads, lol...this is laughably bad and I’m

lol my bad. Idk, there’s a lot of people that sincerely talk like that. Sarcasm is hard on the internet.

I think you drank the kool-aid my guy. Two things can be true at the same time. One does not necessarily imply the other. Correlation does not equal causation.

Look, I’ll be happy if I’m wrong, but it’s delusional to assume anything until more information is known. By all means question what is going on, but it’s not

It’s pretty ridiculous that anyone would seriously freak out to the point of believing some sort of large scale attack. I probably wouldn’t have noticed if it hadn’t been for all of the press about it. My Wi-Fi at home was working without issue, and my phone uses Wi-Fi calling and I have Wi-Fi at work. The only thing