
Woah, I have mixed feelings about South Park: Snow Day. I’m excited for a new South Park game, but I’m not sure how I feel about it being 3D. Part of the charm of their first two games was that it felt like you were playing an episode of South Park. That said, their story telling is excellent and they’ve managed to

This is posted on “The Inventory” they exclusively share shopping deals.

This is posted on “The Inventory” they exclusively share shopping deals.

It really is some backwards circular logic their using to justify the price hike. I don’t give a crap about Amazon Original Programming. I just want to be able to stream the existing Movies and TV Shows on Prime Video.

Regarding your definition of effablity(? lol). Of course the work of art was put into words, but the experience of consuming the art is what is ineffable. When reading a book every reader will have a different image in their mind, every reader will have a different emotional response or understanding of character

That’s a really good point! I was actually very purposefully trying to leave those edge cases out of my essay to try and focus on team sports, lol.

I don’t disagree that we find aesthetic joy in sports, but my only point is that aesthetics are not the point of sports. I agree, our favorite players tend to be the ones that are the most fun to watch, but they are not always the best players. The only purpose of sports is to score the most points and win. It’s not

But aesthetics aren’t the point of sports, it’s winning and scoring. No one is choosing to run losing plays because they look cool. As it pertains to the goal of sports, aesthetics are unrelated. Art is pure aesthetics.

I also know people who love sports, but don’t really care for movies and TV. They have similarities, but they’re entirely different in nature.

Your premise is inherently flawed. Sure, both narrative film and sports tell a story and have conflict, but it’s the scripted, controlled, and contrived nature of film that makes it art and sports not. Sports are objective and skill based while films are purely expression based.

Some might say the purpose of art is to

holy crap, the website looks like a parody of itself. 

Seems like a modern, less political, take on Eugene Ionesco’s “Rhinoceros”

Makes sense to me. “I’m tired of all this bickering and trying to make things work with these horrible world leaders, let’s burn it all to the ground and start over!”

It’s a hard reset.

Yeah, it’s a digital “Cyrano de Bergerac.” That said, once he revealed he was using ChatGPT and she was cool about it...I think they’re basically meant for one another, lol. They have spent lots of time in person and I would assume engaged in tons of real world conversations without the aid of AI. It sounds like

This is kinda silly...if you can play an MP4 you can play VR porn. I think the issue is there isn’t currently a VR Video playback app. There’s no reason why there shouldn’t be, it’s only a matter of time. The HTC Vive didn’t/doesn’t have integration with VR apps, buy you can download VR videos and play them back using

When buying isn’t owning, pirating isn’t stealing.

You’re absolutely right, but it’s still tone deaf...my original premise was that I don’t think any of the performances are Oscar worthy. I don’t even think it’s Best Director worthy, but I agree with the Best Picture nom. I think Gosling stole the show, but his performance was far from exceptional, let alone Oscar

That sounds mix was truly awful...That’s the first time I’ve ever felt like I had to put on subtitles for a movie...

I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy. As a whole, it means more people voted for Gosling than Gerwig or Robbie in their respective roles. As a whole, that means the academy is tone deaf because they didn’t understand the implication of voting for one over the other. The resulting nominees means that there were a

I don’t think you understand what tone deaf means...every individual that voted for Gosling but didn’t vote for Gerwig or Robbie is tone deaf because they didn’t understand the implications of such a vote. They didn’t understand the misogynistic message that would send. Since the final nominees included Gosling but

lol, what? How does that make it any less tone deaf? It’s not random at all, it’s based on votes. People have agency. That just means a majority of those 10,000 people from ~90 countries are completely tone deaf and missed the point of the Barbie movie. A preponderance of Academy members filled out their nomination