
schwoops...they’re all Ken to me... *facepalm*


I think it’s extremely tone deaf for Ryan Reynolds to be nominated but not Robbie nor Gerwig, HOWEVER...while I think Reynolds stole the show, I don’t believe anyone really deserves an Oscar for Barbie outside of production design. While the movie was very good and is an important piece of culture (so maybe the

Necessity is the mother of invention. The proliferation of home video equipment was propelled by the porn industry. VHS won over Betamax because VHS had a longer record time. VHS was able to record an entire football game.

The lasting and most impactful technology tends to be what can satisfy a need of the lowest

This technique, I believe, was first pioneered by artist Dan Sandin with “The Cave” and his continued research and development at UIC on The Cave 2.

There’s a big difference between popular/beloved performances and Oscar worthy performances. I think the only one I’d consider worthy of an Oscar nomination is Sam Rockwell for carrying an entire film on his shoulders. I do think Linda Hamilton deserves more credit for her performance, and maybe should have gotten a

Just because a performance is GOOD does not mean it’s exceptional or worthy of accolades. I’ll admit I haven’t seen all of the movies where Iron Man makes an appearance, but from the handful I’ve seen, I don’t feel like the character, nor Downey’s performance really evolved in a meaningful or masterful enough way to

but...that’s not how Alkaline batteries like AA’s work...they’re chemical, they’re not “charged” up like a lithium ion battery...so as long as your measurements are correct, the battery will have the correct charge. They’re also single use. Once they’re depleted, they’re done, so I’m not sure how you would reject

but...that’s not how Alkaline batteries like AA’s work...they’re chemical, they’re not “charged” up like a lithium

I mean...that’s usually how press releases work. They’re busy covering CES, they don’t have as much time as they usually do to scrutinize and investigate new products.

Not the first blockbuster, but the first “High-Concept” movie. It’s the first “modern day blockbuster” but the term blockbuster had been around for decades before Jaws. It simply meant a movie where the line of people went around the block.

but that’s a soccer ball.

footballs are oblong.

Only temporarily I’m sure.  I don’t think there are people who wouldn’t buy a Tesla because Musk was fired, but I know there are plenty of people who would reconsider buying a Tesla if Musk was fired. 

It’s hard to say how much a “renaissance” it will actually be. There already are thousands of indie developers all over itch.io that no one pays attention to. Why would AI make those same one of a million small indie games any more enticing than the next Grand Theft Auto? I think it will help to democratize game

I saw a developer on Tik Tok talking about Mac gaming, and he said he’d love to release his game for Mac, but there’s an incredibly high barrier to entry for small indie developers. You have to have Mac hardware to compile it, whereas with Linux, you can boot up a virtual machine, and you need to use XCode to do your

Sure, but that’s no different than how third party apps get installed on MacOS. Apps have to be signed by Apple, otherwise it blocks you from installing by default. Even if you enable third part app installs, I think you still have to go into systems preferences to allow the install every time you try to install/open

Yeah, I’d love a lawyer to chime in, or for Gizmodo writers to add more context...I’m also not sure I’ve ever understood Epic’s argument. There ARE third party app stores for Android. But maybe that’s what makes Google uncompetitive compared to Apple. It sounds counter intuitive, but Apple is a closed system, and

That makes sense. I suppose I grew up playing GTA with a controller so that tends to feel best, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like the auto-aim that comes along with using a controller, lol. I think for me, GTA isn’t a game that should require precision and is best played with a more laid back, let’s blow things

Sure, but how often have you upgraded your consoles? Every gen? All of your consoles? That gets much more expensive AND I bet you also have a computer for personal computing. The upfront cost of buying a gaming PC can be significantly higher than consoles, but if you buy right, you can follow and upgrade path that’s

You really don’t like gamepad controls even for GTA? Red Dead II? These games are optimized for controllers, I believe they recommend playing with controllers. As much as I love keyboard and mouse, these games have always felt more immersive with a controller. K&M feels more clunky for Rockstar games.