
The only thing that makes sense to me is that they have deals with the console manufacturers. I guarantee new GTA games drive console sales. I’ll admit, the proposition is tempting. I don’t have an XBOX nor PS5, but I’ve been interested. If the price is right, I could be tempted to get one just for GTA VI. When I

Ugh...Rockstar is still doing that? It really makes me wonder what kind of deals they have with the console manufacturers. These days I can’t think of any other reason why you wouldn’t do a simultaneous PC release if you have the resources of a major AAA studio. I suppose it’s technically less unit testing, but

You’re right it’s actually $240K, but you’re wrong about your reasoning. $0.003 is three TENTHS of a penny, but three THOUSANDTHS of a dollar. That’s a dollar sign, not a cents sign.

Ya know, I was thinking along the lines of something similar. Why are there so many billionaires that insist on continuing to work? But the more I think about it, I believe we only hear about the weirdos like Musk. I think Musk is on the far end of the spectrum in terms of wealth and power, which means there’s just as

I’d assume the primary use case isn’t for people buying big ticket items like TVs. I’m sure it’s more for small consumables and easily broken things like cables, flash drives, etc. An extra game controller IS expensive on it’s own, but if you’re in the middle of throwing a party, it could be worth the mark-up to get

Will this be compatible with Google Home?

That’s funny, I was expecting a store filled with games like Conker’s Bad Fur Day

Maybe it’s just because it’s an anthropomorphic star, but the star reminds me too much of the Super Mario Galaxy star.

Oh absolutely, but I’m not really sure what crime is being committed since it seems you could reasonably argue you didn’t release a film because you didn’t think it was going to make enough money for it to be financially viable.

Well, that’s just how taxes work. It’s a loss, so it counts against their net income for the year. It just reduces their taxable income.

I’m not sure I agree that shelving a completed movie is like burning down a building for insurance money. Just because a movie is completed, doesn’t mean the company is done spending money. If they want a theatrical release, they have to produce thousands of DCPs to send to theatres. If they want the release to be at

I don’t think the programming version is the opposite definition though. Synchronous means that they happen in sync. So you follow Plan A and steps 1, 2, 3, 4. If Plan A means you need to talk to Person C to get step 3, you wait for them to sync up with you. However, if Plan A is asynchronous, that just means that

This type of modeling/predicting seems like a no brainer.

No, I definitely meant asynchronous. Communication happening at different times, not simultaneously, not needing or requiring an immediate response.

I don’t disagree, it’s actually not a bad design. I mean it looks stupid in so far as it looks like it will clash with most outfits. They really didn’t do themselves any favors by having her display it on the lapel of a leather jacket and him to put it on a sweater. The weight of it alone makes it look like it will

I don’t see how this could possibly succeed. Tech you have to talk to isn’t actually convenient. It’s intuitive, but most of the time we can’t be disruptive with our voices. Additionally, people don’t talk on the phone as much. We’re busy people, and we prefer the asynchronous communication of text messaging. It

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I thought federally, or at least also in Illinois, it’s perfectly legal for women to go topless anywhere a man would be expected to be topless.

So much hype for such a shitty song, lol.