
Yeah...but I didn’t think it was edgy nor left anything up for debate. The characters went from violently homophobic to ethically polyamorous. Since it’s left on a generally positive note, it gives us no reason to wonder further about the characters leaving it as pure melodrama.

Yeah, kinda funny actually. Hollywood and the wealthy that fund entertainment have known this at least since Shakespeare’s time. You need to let media take the piss out of the elite ruling class every now and again so that the proletariate will look upon them more fondly as their pockets continue to get picked. Shit,

Sheesh...sometimes producers really need to check their creators. The show was always about CONSEQUENCES.

1. It’s rated TV-MA which has a recommended viewing age of 17 or older.

2. My partner is an elementary school teacher and her students are very aware of Squid Game. They have seen it.

3. I don’t care what other parents let their kids watch, my point was that children are consuming more interesting and mature versions of

There we go.  That makes sense. I don’t know why that isn’t explained in ANY of these articles.

I think the real problem is that even though they’re all solid films, it’s the same movie over and over again. I’d argue Marvel films are like that too, but it’s much more explicit with The Hunger games. They have a more rigid formula than a super hero movie. That is, we see characters in poverty, there’s a

It’s like a single sentence in the last paragraph...just a mention that Marvel and Star Wars were more popular and stole the spotlight...

Could someone better explain to me why I shouldn’t return money sent to me from an unknown sender? I still don’t understand how this scam negatively affects ME. I get that the sender is trying to launder the money, but I don’t understand how I lose money. If my account is at $0 and a scammer sends me $500 on Venmo,

You’re paying extra for it? I don’t have an annual Capital One fee and I can generate virtual card numbers. Maybe it’s dependent on the type of card you have? Mine is a Savor One.

I’m still not sure I understand how this scam negatively affects ME if someone “accidentally” sends me money. I get that the sender is trying to launder the money, but I don’t understand how I lose money. If my account is at $0 and a scammer sends me $500 on Venmo, then my account has $500. If they ask me to send them

Oh absolutely, that’s the most obvious issue and apparent stubbornness in Best Buy’s CEO to blame Taylor Swift and a cultural shift toward spending money on experiences rather than things. My point was just that there once was a time that people just went to the store to window shop and have fun. Maybe we’ve stopped

I think your frustrations are valid, but ad blockers can take away a significant portion of smaller YouTubers income. The average payout per ad view is about $0.18. That means, to earn a modest $1,000/week a YouTuber needs to get about 6,000 views. However, about half of all users are using ad blockers, which means a

Why is this being reported on LifeHacker and not Gizmodo?

Some TVs and receivers also have a “Night Listening” mode which does a similar thing. It’s designed so that the loud explosions don’t wake up your neighbors or sleeping family members, but all it’s doing is compressing the dynamic range so that the dialogue comes out at the same level as the explosions.

You actually want “Dynamic Range Compression” ON if you’re trying to make dialogue sound closer to explosions. It’s the LACK of compression on Hollywood mixes that makes dialogue hard to understand and makes you keep raising and lowering the volume. By compressing the dynamic range, you making the difference between

Lol, yeah, you’re not wrong. Kind of amazing they still produce physical media, what with the ubiquity of free internet porn. Who’s buying physical copies? It’s gotta be exclusively older people, right?

Ah yes, the grand ole state of “Huawae.

What’s interesting is I think there is one category that has truly been game changing and continues to evolve, and that’s digital photography and videography...butttttt...as camera phones continue to get better, there’s less of a reason for the average consumer to buy a dedicated photo and video camera.

Ever since

Right?  There’s no reason a local Best Buy couldn’t host a local competitive gaming event in the store. They could have local bands come and play and use that to advertise their sound systems. They could do film festivals with local filmmakers and advertise their home theatre set ups. There are solutions...they’re

I mean, yeah. I used to love Best Buy as a kid around the time the N64 was released. They had a GIANT 3x3 grid of TVs in the middle of the store displaying whatever was being played on the demo N64. That alone was just so cool! You wanted to play the demo unit so you could have your gameplay on the giant screen. It