
Yet another article that describes the difference between two things, but not WHY you should use one over another...

Thanks for this...I was like...I’m pretty sure most wood framed houses use pine 2x4s...

I’m just saying it’s the beginning of the end.  It’s hard to say unless you have Amazon’s numbers, but if Best Buy stops stocking physical media, then that means the distributors are producing less copies, which means the manufacturers are doing smaller runs, which means prices will have to increase keep the lights on

Thank you for this...I read this whole article but got no real advice on when to use one over the other...

A little disingenuous for you to claim “Babe” is a George Miller movie when he didn’t direct it and was only one of three writers on the film.

I really hope they’re not ending the sales of Blu-Rays...that could mark the beginning of the end for physical copies of movies and TV. At the least, we’ll begin to see an increase in cost for Blu-Rays.

It is interesting that they’ll continue to sell physical games (do they still sell physical music?), but I think that

X-Files creator Christ Carter’s birthday

This is the same old Inception top spinning question. The real answer? It doesn’t matter. Really good ambiguous endings are effective not because of the cliff hanger but because because the actual truth is irrelevant; the characters’ personal truths are what’s important to the story. Sure, you could say Carpenter is

That pretty funny.  I had a dealer say he always split 10s, so maybe there’s something to it despite the possibility of throwing away a perfectly good hand.

I think you kinda glossed over the frustration of a “wrong” bet. You already said that in blackjack you’re playing the math, so making a wrong bet is betting against the math. Not only that, but it’s important to mention that you’re not playing against the other players at the table. Everyone is playing against the

Yes...that too, it’s still a publicity stunt.

This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. This is intended to go one of two ways - either people are encouraged to try and fake alien sightings and the winner will be the person with the most realistic sighting, or the “winner” is going to get a push notification informing them their camera saw something and it’ll

It’s just another roku type device. That’s it. You can even buy the Xumo box independently of your cable company. Their free TV channel is also available online for free as “Xumo Play.” You can also get the app on any Android TV based device.

I think the only people who win here are Xumo who’ve made cable companies

The difference is they’re marketing to their existing customers. They would be targeting existing customers who have not yet purchased a streaming stick. If they wanted a Roku or Fire Stick, they would have already bought one. I do think it’s wrong to say that this is trying to deter cord cutting. This is just cable

Looks like a shitty mash-up of Happy Death Day and Time Crimes.

I need tips on how to MAKE myself run slower. I’ve been a runner since I was a kid and ran varsity cross country in High School, but I’ve always had a hard time pacing myself in workouts. When I run by myself, I almost always start WAY too fast (because I’m used to a faster pace) and when I run with others, I’m really

lol, I’m not, but lol.

An cyber-thriller

To be fair...Dune (and Dune II for that matter) wasn’t shot on 70mm IMAX film. I doubt they’re going to be making film prints for Dune II. I agree that 15/70mm is the premium format, and we need more filmmakers using it and more theatres screening it, but the only way to see a digital IMAX movie in all it’s glory is

I’ll reserve full judgement for when the show finally released, but the new Rick voice also seems to be missing that seems of overwhelming existential gloom, doom, and despair. Roiland’s Rick sounded more hardened, but that may just be hard to come across in a trailer like this. So we’ll see.  It sounds like it’s good