
Tone deafness aside...it seems odd to put in competitions from the TV show (like Red Light Green Light and the Glass Bridge) since part of the appeal of those games in the show was that the players didn’t know what to expect. If your contestants know exactly what’s going to happen, then it looses all tension and

I’m a city boy, so it’s weird to me that it would be a private road, but publicly available for through traffic. How does that work???

That was my immediate thougt, so I tried to look it up.

What the hell...why does “sanguine” have two VERY different definitions, haha.  Why does it mean optimistic and also blood red????  Those seem to be very opposite ideas.  Google seems to have your back with your use, but I was taught the blood red definition first.  Very strange.

I think if this was an at home VR experience, you would be right that this is absolutely pointless, but it sounds like this is going to be installed at physical locations, so I assume you will be able to engage in a a big room scale type VR, which would allow you to really engage in the virtual world in a convincing

This is an absurd list of things you “shouldn’t” do yourself. This is a very lawyer like list of things not to do...sure technically you shouldn’t do your own electrical or plumbing, but if you have DIY skills, they’re usually extremely straight forward jobs. It doesn’t take a genius to know whether or not electrical

I mean, there’s no gray area.  Anyone can sue for anything.  Whether or not you win depends on the arguments and the judge.  And in order for anyone to want to take Unity to court, a developer would have to continue to use Unity despite the billing changes and refuse to pay the install royalty.  More than likely, it

Oh I’m sure, but there’s a difference between price increases and charging per install. I’m sure it was in the TOS that the deal could change at any time, but my argument would be that you can’t change a deal for a project that has already been completed, if that makes sense. It’s like if I bought a box of Crayola

Has anyone talked to a lawyer about this? It seems like this is potentially illegal. I’m sure their TOS says something like this deal can change at any time...but depending on the changes, a judge could consider it to be an unconscionable contract.

Unity trying to change the deal and ask for more money from projects

fucking good and finally! I once bought Similasan eye drops for allergies and it wasn’t until I had been using them for a while and wasn’t getting relief, I noticed the label said “Hemopathic.” I was livid. I can’t remember which retailer it was, but I blasted them on social media (to no avail). Every drug store I’ve

I can’t emphasize the track etiquette enough...I’ve been to too many tracks where a soccer or football game is taking place in the infield and people just stop, sit, or hangout in the innermost lanes - athletes and spectators. This is equivalent to walking into the middle of the road and stopping there. Sure, when you

Totally, but there are lots of patterns that have lasted the test of time, but often they only stand up when used in moderation. So I agree, today you generally wouldn’t want to wall paper an entire room, but using wall paper for accents can be a fantastic design choice.

You can’t really say for sure, but in my educated opinion (I have a fine art degree) I think you can make good, well informed design decisions that will last for at least a generation or two. Yes, tastes do change, but there are certain designs and styles that have lasted multiple generations if not centuries. If you

Very true, I haven’t tried Da Bomb, but I’ve had other hot sauces where even though the scoville rating is lower, they feel like they burn more.  It’s usually because they’re using concentrated extract rather than just the raw pepper.  I’ve had multiple versions of The Last Dab, and not only do they taste good,

Why would someone use the rolling baskets to sort dirty clothes??? You just use the washers to sort the clothes directly from your laundry bag/hamper...there’s no reason your clothes shouldn’t go directly from your bag into a washer.

Also...pretty naive of anyone to think those rolling carts are remotely clean...

At no point have you actually explained why food challenges are different than any other physical challenge. Also, “challenge” doesn’t mean something flippant like the Ice Bucket Challenge or Cinnamon Challenge (which is something that you can’t “win” it’s physically impossible.). A challenge can be...well...anything

The one chip is also decidedly hotter than any hot sauce I’ve ever had, and I’ve had some very hot ones. I also (accidentally) ate a small Carolina Reaper, and the one chip was WAY worse than the Reaper. The problem with the one chip is that it’s a concentrated extract. It’s purely designed for torture. You could

Do you like sports or challenges in general?  It’s no different than any other competition or physical challenge really.  Food challenges ARE a little weirder than physical ones, but the mentality is the same - pushing your body to its limits.

I mean...you’re paying for one hell of an experience. I believe the version I tried did include a sticker and a coupon for a free bag of chips. So, if you get the chips, it makes the one chip closer to $3-7 depending on how much that bag of chips is where you are.

It’s still a lot of money to eat a chip that makes you

Weird that energy star recommend 70...I’m pretty sure everyone else recommends 68 in the winter...