
How are Detroit and Columbus on this list but not Chicago or Milwaukee? Seems kinda weird...

Wow...so I just looked at the source article...and fucking wow...great fucking journalism...you just decided to pick and choose which cities you wanted to highlight for some reason...Denver is number one, so idk why you chose

You don’t HAVE to work your way in necessarily. You can join and pay dues...but why would you if you’re not getting union work? It just doesn’t make sense to join the union until you’re already getting union jobs.

There is a clause called “Taft-Hartly” where after (I believe) getting 3 separate union jobs, you’re

Maybe don’t put the trypophobia triggering picture as the banner picture...just a thought...

It seems there’s no changing your mind on this.

If it’s something you wouldn’t do sober BECAUSE of either insecurities or better judgement, it doesn’t mean it’s something you would NEVER do. That doesn’t mean it’s something you wouldn’t otherwise do. If you don’t do something because of insecurities or because of

Get drunk after you get dumped and you’ll probably be much more angry or depressed. Get drunk after a promotion and you’ll probably be happy and sharing.

Believe it or not, people who aren’t assholes don’t have a constant inner monologue filled with negative thoughts about other people.

No, because most people don’t do awful things when they’re drinking or otherwise on mind altering substances. The fact that it happens when they’re using mind altering drugs means it was in them all along, the drug just got rid of the part of them that stops them from doing it otherwise.

Think of it like this - I

Lol, 0.08 is not even that drunk. It’s not even the legal limit for drunkenness, it’s just the legal limit for driving under the influence.

My hypothesis would be that “beer goggles” don’t make ugly people otherwise attractive, it just lowers your inhibitions/standards. This allows people to go after people that may

Yeah...wow, that lawsuit is quite the stretch. Even as a fan...I find it hard to believe that a very small, dialogue free, insignificant scene in a trailer with an actress you like was the SOLE reason someone went to see this movie. When the rest of the trailer gives you no indication that De Armas has a presence nor

Yeah, but your balance only gets reported once a month (I believe). Either way, if you unexpectedly spend a large amount of money one month, you can pay it down right away before it gets reported to the credit bureaus.  it’s better to keep that extra money you would have otherwise put toward a negative credit card

This sounds like a terrible idea.  Wouldn’t it be better to keep your extra money in a high yield savings account where it can at least gain SOME money in interest while you’re not using it, and then use that savings account to pay down your credit card if/when needed?  This is just giving your credit card company a

Slow =/= Boring...

Just because he wasn’t found guilty of domestic abuse and false imprisonment in a court of law doesn’t mean he’s not a piece of shit. It just means they legally couldn’t find him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He’s still a toxic and abusive scumbag...just not a provably illegally toxic scumbag.

Yeah...my understanding of the DropBox kerfuffle was that Google Drive ended unlimited storage, so all of the users quickly flocked to DropBox.  DropBox got caught with their pants down, os they had to immediately limit everyone’s accounts so that they could handle the sudden influx of storage.

They still take over the feed...when browsing for an article to read, it’s kind of a bummer to have to sift through a ton of articles I’m not remotely interested in...I still have to read the headline and/or blurb and/or look at the picture to determine whether or not it’s something I want to read...

Because it’s still in the feed...when browsing for an article to read, it’s kind of a bummer to have to sift through a ton of articles I’m not remotely interested in...I still have to read the headline and/or blurb and/or look at the picture to determine whether or not it’s something I want to read...

Is there a way to filter out Star Wars and Marvel posts?  I come here for tech...not fantasy...

“...water cooler to the CPU”

This should be GPU, not CPU...

I’ve seen most of these movies, including the top ones, but I think the most disturbing movie I’ve ever seen is “Happiness.” It’s not disturbing in a gross out kind of way, it’s not a particularly graphic, nor violent movie, but the subject matter and how they portray it is disturbing in the truest sense of the word. 

Came here to say this.  My 2000 Toyota Camry does not indicate which side the gas tank is on.