
Even if it was, why would that matter?

Most certainly it’s because of some upper level person confusing innovation with their boredom of an existing design.

This really doesn’t make any sense...you say the best stuff is found by searching yourself...so...why don’t you just do that despite having a watch history?  I really don’t understand how turning off watch history helps the greater user experience by not feeding into the algorithms.  I like my recommendations and

So...what exactly is the incentive here?  I can’t believe these executives are this dense...at the least...Google should be PAYING them to stay on campus...sheesh...

seriously...for such a design heavy company...I’m having a hard time following their thought process.  I can picture at least 3 other options that would have looked better and been easier to read.

seriously...for such a design heavy company...I’m having a hard time following their thought process.  I can picture at least 3 other options that would have looked better and been easier to read.

Ah yes...dopamine decor...decorating your place...the way you want to decorate it...

I get the point is to favor your personal tastes rather than following trends, but this article seems to over complicate that fact.

It was a joke...

I’m not reading a whole 7 page article just because a stranger on the internet tells me to. I read the first two pages and it didn’t seem to address what you or the other commenter were trying to point out. It claimed he didn’t jump “up and down” on the couch (he jumped on it, and he was weird in the interview) and

Now playing

I didn’t say jump up and down. I said jumped on, which he most certainly did:

It absolutely wouldn’t have. Movie producers are just like anyone else in business - they’re only going to pay what they have to pay to get something. More often than not, the actors take a pay cut just so they can appear in a movie they otherwise wouldn’t appear in. Jonah Hill agreed to be paid scale (the SAG

I feel you, but the original commenter said, “I am trying to think of the last time a celebrity went from ‘seems nice and cool” to “holy crap, what a nasty psycho” this quickly.’

Tom Cruise instantly lost everyone’s respect when he jumped on Oprah’s couch and it became clear how nutso he really was. He wasn’t

Missing the obvious one, Tom Cruise.

I mean...it’s not exactly a “deal”...but half the price of a new one to refresh your broken one isn’t bad at all. If you buy a used one, it might break sooner rather than later (not to mention it may have other flaws) and now you’ve spent more than the price of a replacement PCB and you have two broken controllers. At

It’s really not terribly difficult.  If you can take apart an Xbox controller, you should be able to solder without too many problems.  If you have any dead controllers, you can practice on those.  Otherwise, you can practice soldering on a piece of perf board.

“You athletic peak is longer than you think” most peaks are still in your 20s...that’s exactly as long as I thought it was.

$90 for a record ruiner is still too much money.

Sheesh...the least EITHER of you authors could do would be to list the attractions in these bottom tier cities...because, I have no desire to visit any of these places. Also, I use to live in Albuquerque...it’s hardly a vacation destination...sure, there’s tourist attractions, but I wouldn’t want to plan a vacation

Great...all cities I have absolutely no desire to visit...

Sure, but based on the criteria of the cost of the top three attractions alone, that makes Las Vegas SUPER expensive in comparison.  All of the top attractions are going to cost upwards of $100-200, then figure in daily transportation fees if you’re not walking everywhere, lodging, and good, you’re going to be well