
In my defense, I posted that when this article only had two announcements on it.  The article was written in the past tense, as if the event was over, even though it was still taking place...Gizmodo usually does a live blog thread and then this article functions as the recap...I was really confused...

Yeah...I figured that out.  The article was written in the past tense when I posted, as if the conference was already over and Apple only announced two things.  Usually Gizmodo has a live blog thread and then this article functions as the recap...for whatever reason they decided to combine the two...it was really

You sound like an asshole. When I posted my comment, there were only two things on this list. The headline still read, “Everything Apple Announced at WWDC 2023,” even though it was still taking place. I was not aware the conference was still in progress. The article was even written as if it was over. The opening

This sounds like an incredibly underwhelming conference.

It’s about “waiting.” That’s it. In absurdist artwork and theatre, you’re really only supposed to take things at face value, but based on how the piece makes you think and feel, you can have your own personal interpretation. A lot of absurdist art may be done as a specific metaphor for something else (like the play

That’s a good question...I would assume it means it sucked up everything around it.

After a quick google search, it seems a dormant black hole is one that is no longer emitting high energy radiation and is longer interacting with its environment.

The habit of “solving” an art piece is admittedly a hard habit to break, and to a certain extent, I think it is something that has to be taught. I always think of “Waiting for Godot” and the work of Samuel Beckett. So many people, even people who continue to produce stagings of Godot, are quick to ask and answer those

It really is an interesting phenomenon, I think it speaks to our desire to understand things and have answers. Maybe it stems from a primal fear of the unknown. I think people are hoping or believing that by expanding an image with AI it will add context to a piece of art so that they may better understand and enjoy

I just wish businesses would stop trying to redesign the QR code to make it look more interesting.  Half the time my phone can’t even recognize it as a QR code.

This, but also half the problem IS the QR codes. Half the businesses with QR menus use some weird proprietary QR code styling that my phone can’t even recognize as a QR code.  How hard is it to put a URL beneath the code? If bars and restaurants can pay a company to make them a QR menu, they can pay someone to  make

This whole thing sounds exactly like an episode of Silicon Valley.

he looks like Fred Flintstone and Homer Simpson had a baby.

well...America wasn’t fine the whole time...just not in the way the GOP says it wasn’t fine.

No shit, working out “hurts,” so you’ll build a tolerance to pain and discomfort.  Take endurance running for example.  It doesn’t necessarily “hurt” to run long distances, but it does get increasingly uncomfortable the longer and faster you go.  The more you do it, the more you learn to distinguish between what is

Do you mean it can wash AND dry in under an hour?  Cause my ancient washer can already wash clothes in under and hour no problem.

Do you mean it can wash AND dry in under an hour?  Cause my ancient washer can already wash clothes in under and

To a certain extent, we never should have trusted any image we’ve ever seen, digital or otherwise. There’s a lot of philosophers and art theorists that discuss the subjectivity of photography. I wish I remembered who it was, but they discuss that the mere presence of a camera changes the situation because the subjects

Haven’t we learned that making a lot of money doesn’t mean you’re smart?

A lot of online banks have really good interest rates. I use Alliant Credit Union and the current savings interest rate is 3.1%.  A friend of mine uses SoFi and his interest rates are usually .5-1% higher than mine.  I’m currently getting 4.5% on a 3 month CD and 5% on a 1 year.

You can still just buy a bucket of bricks if that’s your thing...no one’s stopping anyone from doing that...

No doubt, but I’m sure he could have hired one or more people in the interim to handle some, if not all of the bigger business responsibilities. But maybe he really didn’t trust anyone else to handle those duties. As much as he doesn’t like being CEO, I think there was still a lot of pride holding him back from