
That’s true, but I always saw the smart home stuff as a bit of a hobby for him, even if it was head-bangingly annoying at times. I always figured it was a way for him to write off smart-ifying his home as a business expense.

I’m also not sure why stepping down as CEO would be the reason for him to de-smartify his

Oh absolutely. Him and his wife still own the company. Hopefully the new CEO will be a good shepherd for his vision and Linus will get out of the way of CEO so the plan can be executed.

Agreed, I’m honestly surprised it took him this long to step down.  I never understood how he was able to appear in all these videos AND run the company.

This has to be a joke, right?  How are you on a tech blog and you’ve never heard of Linus from Linus Tech Tips?  Just because you don’t know who someone is doesn’t mean they’re not popular.  It just means you live under a rock.

Ya know...I wanted to argue with you about the merit of writing research papers...but in a world where ChatGPT exists, I don’t see why it wouldn’t be used as a tool for actual researchers who are writing peer reviewed articles. It’s the research itself that matters, not how you put the words together.

However, some

You mean snake oil, fish oil is good for you.

You mean snake oil, fish oil is good for you.

Not sure why Louisville is on a list for summer travel.  May isn’t a summer month.

Field recorder is the name given to portable audio recorders designed to be used outside of the studio.  It’s TV/Radio jargon.  If you’re not in the studio, you’re out in the field.

Too late. The genie is out of the bottle and you can’t put it back in. The market has become oversaturated, the product has been diluted, and there’s no longer anything special about the franchise. The reason why Star Wars, and other blockbusters, became massive events was because they were something new and

It’s gotta be a loud minority. I’ve also had Pixel phones since the Nexus 6, currently have a Pixel 7 Pro. I’ve never had any of the issues people seem to complain about. I think the hype surrounding the Pixel line as a pure Android experience and premium google product sets people’s expectations really high. That

Pretty sure programing a check to determine whether or not the system is playin music is much easier than programming an AI to recognize what music sounds like.

That seems like a huge oversight on google’s part and really easy to program.  If a song is playing, shouldn’t it just completely disable those smart commands?  Why does it have to “hear” music in order to disable it?  Seems like a case of engineers being too clever for their own good.

Would still be pretty cool to have your remains blow-up in a failed rocket launch.

For that kind of money, you’re probably better off buying a Bamboo Labs P1P or a Prusa.

For that kind of money, you’re probably better off buying a Bamboo Labs P1P or a Prusa.

10s reduce the odds of a royal flush as well as a regular straight flush

I hope this season is actually dark instead of just techno-fluff...

Actors and studios make different licensing deals for different mediums. I’m pretty sure Ford is the only live action movie Indiana Jones. He very well might have exclusive movie rights to the character. I may have also misremembered the quote, it may be have been, “So long as I’m alive, no one else will play Indiana

That’s not necessarily true.  He’s good friends with George Lucas.  I’m pretty sure the role was written exactly for him.  We don’t know all the deals, he may have exclusive movie rights to the character.

I think he was talking specifically about in movies. Unless you count young Indy, he’s the only live action box office Indy.

Didn’t Ford say that he wouldn’t allow anyone else to play the character, proclaiming, “I am Indiana Jones.”?