
Oh wow, that looks awful, haha.

I’m not sure what Tom Cruise has to say about doing his own stunts, but I’m sure being able to see him act through a stunt has a lot to do with his reason for doing so.

I don’t know what budget has to do with showing an actor portray the character faithfully through a stunt. Again...Tom Cruise movies have massive

Then on the other hand, you have actors like Bob Odenkirk who said for Mr. Nobody he wanted to really show the face of his character and what the character was going through while fighting, and the only way to do that was to train and do his own stunts.

FWIW you can rent movies from GameFly.

Either the use of AI is just a marketing gimmick, or it’s total over-kill. All any of these video platforms need to do is enable an audio compressor. Most dialogue gets mixed to around -18 dB to -12dB. If you could enable an audio compressor with a threshold set to -12dB and a high compression ratio, it would solve

It’s so marketers could sell high refresh rate TVs despite them not being necessary when broadcast TV capped out at 60fps. I’m pretty sure that’s the ONLY reason. It’s argued that it looks nice for sports, and that might be true, but the motion smoothing was the only way they could justify upselling the customer on

This doesn’t really de-smart the TV...what I want is to get rid of the Smart Home Menu. I hate that Roku TV goes to the Roku menu when you start up the TV rather going to the last used input...it’s so stupid...I hate having to select the proper input every time I turn on the TV.

How could the judges screw that one up...the photo doesn’t even have any film grain...

You’re really just posting the names and a picture of a character without including any editorial banter or wit as to why they’re on the list??? Lazy article, if you can even call it an article.

You’re right...it’s not losing...because the point they’re making is that they don’t need Twitter to get more donations or reach a broader audience...they freaking own a radio station for crying out loud...they solicit donations on their own platform all the time. I really don’t understand what you’re trying to get at.

The pricy $16,499 drone can be used as a substitute for a crane, a cable cam, and even a camera dolly.

And?  That’s hardly losing a fight.

lol, giving up what???

Universal should just sue Monster Energy Drinks into oblivion for infringing on their beloved classic movie monsters.

It’s probably not worth going after.  When’s the last time anyone you know actually watched the movie?  There’s probably some crazy rights deals anyway...a single person or a distribution company may currently have rights, and they just don’t have the time or resources to go after someone for a film that’s no longer

I’m pretty sure that’s not a duck.  It’s a dolphin, like Flipper.

In the hospitality industry, there’s a history of tipping prior to service to get better service.  Say, tipping a bellhop to keep a closer eye on your luggage, or bring it to your room more quickly.  Tipping a host to give you a better table.  A little scratch and kindness can go a long way when you’re in

It should be noted that I believe 28 Days Later was shot on the XL1

You got a source on this?  I’ve never had a problem with Amazon batteries.  Batteries like AA and AAA don’t get charged, they’re purely chemical.  It’d be kinda hard to screw that up...

You got a source on this?  I’ve never had a problem with Amazon batteries.  Batteries like AA and AAA don’t get

I agree with that, especially for shows like 1899 which had a very succinct first season, but with a helluva cliff hanger. There was enough resolution where if you knew it was a one off, you’d be content, but enough intrigue left the door open for a potential part 2.

At least with Fox back in the day, they would be