
Since you mentioned Netflix’s reputation for canceling good shows after a single season...I’ve been thinking about this, and I know it all comes down to money and eyeballs, but the problem is, they decide to cancel shows long before word of mouth has had a chance to spread. I’d rather wait longer for a second season

FINALLY someone admits that Life is Strange is bad. I really wanted to like it, but I could not get past the poorly written dialog. It had a very, “Fellow Kids” vibe to it. It was also pretentious but didn’t have anything to back it up. I admit I’m in the minority, but as a professional photographer with BFA it was

I’ve been seeing people talk about this...why the hell does the game need to “build” the shaders??? shouldn’t they already be compiled???  Is it a compression issue with downloading the game?  Why is the game playable at all without shaders being built, shouldn’t that be a part of the installation process?

I guess this sound makes sense for Wikipedia...but it sounds far too whimsical and child like for what I’d expect Wikipedia to sound like. I feel like it should be a much more serious sound. Instead it sounds like TED and NPR teamed up to do a show in a children’s museum.

Yeah, it’s different with Spacey for me at least. He was my favorite actor until all that shit came out. I think with Spacey though, his characters were always very earnest, albeit flawed if not problematic and abusive. With Johnathan Majors, it’s always felt like he was hiding something.

I’m not the one resorting to name calling and using ad hominem attacks. My point is that if you feel so strongly about the way Tik-Tok handles its user data, you should probably delete all of your American social media accounts. You don’t need them to live in America, nor a modern society. You don’t need to have an

It looks more like a T-Shirt than a hat.

Yeah, you’re right. That’s very true. I think she even made money on the sales of her first two homes, and the estimated value of her current home has almost doubled since she bought it.

Wow, you like getting punched in the face everyday? I would probably avoid going anywhere or doing anything where I’m getting punched in the face, let alone my balls.

My Aunt retired as a bus driver in Chicago. She owns a home and a vacation property. She works part time as an usher at Wrigley Field during baseball season, not so much because she needs the money (it certainly helps a retiree) but because she loves the Cubs. She’s 82 and lives more comfortably than I do.  I’m sure


I do believe I read in another article that IA does purchase books.

Man...this is a tricky one...I want to side with IA, but something about what they’re doing has never quite sat right with me, especially as an artist and content creator. I’m not familiar with the entire court case, but I feel like there’s a lot of nuance that’s either not being reported or wasn’t brought up in the

Yeah...I especially like him in Lovecraft Country. That said, there’s something about him that has always made me a little uncomfortable, but I’d never been able to quite put my finger on it...

I agree, but if you can’t back up your claims with proof, it’s easy to get slapped with a defamation suit.

Those are some fun mental gymnastics. Why do you have to accept that your own government is spying on you, but not other governments? You’re like...half way there...

Gosh, you’re so smart for refusing to actually acknowledge my argument. Since you’re incapable of critical thinking and friendly discourse, I clarified my statement to “Nothing developmentally happened.” I’d love to be proven wrong, but I’m just being called names.  I don’t know why you’re so triggered by me having a

You say that as if the people who have access to American Social media data aren’t hostile.

TikTok isn’t doing anything that the other platforms aren’t already doing.  Congress is just upset because they’re not getting any lobbying money from TikTok and TikTok has been effective at informing, radicalizing, and organizing people against the establishment.

I’m usually fascinated by the Disney park...but why is this appearing on a tech blog?