
Where did I say I didn’t care about the program? I very much want to see Part 2.  I really enjoyed Part 1 overall.  As a result, I’m personally invested in what happens next, but from a critical point of view the finale did little to make an audience care about what happens next to the characters.  They didn’t grow or

...Dias who went ahead and made ahead and made it...

I personally had good luck with duck tape exclusively.

I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

Am I the only one who was entirely underwhelmed by the finale? Like...really? That was it? He saved Ellie one last time and then just lies about what happened? Nothing happened in that episode. There was no catharsis. No resolution. No character growth. Just superficial action and backstory. They’re left in the same

Joel begins the story as a protective father who puts family above everything else, and he ends the story as a protective father who puts family above everything else. Ellie begins the story as a pawn, and ends the story as a pawn. Sure, their relationship changed, but they didn’t. Nothing, developmentally happened.

I agree with you, she doesn’t believe him, and I agree, I like ambiguous shades of grey endings, but it still has to have a resolution. Just because it’s “realistic” doesn’t mean it good. I don’t watch movies for realism. I consume stories for catharsis. There was no end and there was no cliff hanger. It concludes on

Eh, I wouldn’t go that far. I didn’t play the games, but I thoroughly enjoyed the show, I was just unsatisfied with the ending. That said, part of my enjoyment did come from how much of the show actually felt like a video game. I think that was the shows greatest strength and greatest weakness. They had a hard time

Oh, 100%, but it breaks the tension. Trusting someone is almost more important than believing someone.  I can think someone is wrong, but trust that they know better than me.  I think my point is that this is a moment where Ellie SHOULDN’T trust Joel.

Am I the only one who was entirely underwhelmed by the finale? Like...really? That was it? He saved Ellie one last time and then just lies about what happened? Nothing happened in that episode. There was no catharsis. No resolution. No character growth. No resolution. They’re left in the same messed up world they

I don’t agree with that at all. I don’t think it was one bit selfish. Ellie didn’t get a say in what was going to happen to her. Not to mention, Ellie and Joel had a frank discussion about suicide, the point of that conversation being that it’s dumb, the feeling will pass, even if it takes a long time. So even IF

Kinda wild that RealPlayer failed.  I remember playing an interactive Sum41 music video in RealPlayer.  I thought it was the coolest thing ever...still think it’s pretty cool.

Ah yes...the name is the issue with the platform that is gutting content.

...the past is making a comeback in a back way.

You don’t think the decision people were on set when she clearly changed the dialogue? Get real, everyone would have known. How do you expect the other actors and the director to respond when dialogue is suddenly changed?

You can’t blame only her for that. The director obviously allowed it to happen...the other actors obviously were in on it too. You can’t just change dialogue and expect everyone around you to just fall into line and play along. Hell, the script supervisor would have also been there to, if nothing else, make sure

Will it still hide your browsing data from your ISP?

I really like the playdate, but I hope it gets more long form games. Casual Birder was a great intro into the handheld, but few games gave me enough reason to return to the device. As the season released, I religiously played with it from week to week, but once I got a taste of the casual mobile app style games, I was

For someone who said Will Smith’s biggest sin was fighting in front of white people...Rock did nothing more than pour more fuel on the fire by slinging mud at a powerful black couple in front of a predominantly white TV audience.

I’m tired of us treating comedians like the philosophers of our time. There was George

Generally speaking, I agree with you, however, it also actually happens like that. It’s a very common thing in war like survival situations. Also, they seemed to be building toward the rape from the beginning anyway. I don’t think it was a hatred multiplier so much as it was an inevitability. You could tell that’s