
No it doesn’t, they already got paid. Most people on a game or production do not get paid residuals. Most people do not get paid on contingencies either (that is working for free and getting paid if and only if the game makes money).

Not playing isn’t going to change anything...but if enough people choose not to play that could be millions of dollars she doesn’t get to line her pockets with, that’s millions of dollars she doesn’t get to continue supporting hate...

Trans women are women. Period. Trans men are men. Period. You’re right, many trans people do openly identify at openly trans (Trans man/woman) but they shouldn’t have to, many of them don’t want to, and many of them don’t. It’s very likely you’ve encountered a trans person in your life and never wouldn’t have guessed.

She’s been very vocal about not considering Trans-Women to be women...Pro Cis-Woman does not mean pro Trans-Women.  That’s the whole problem.  That’s what a TERF is.  Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist.  She’s a feminist, but she doesn’t include trans women in the fight for equality of the sexes.

Agreed, I’m not a big Star Wars fan, so I didn’t watch it as it aired.  I tried to watch it after it had been around for awhile since people said it was a really well made and ground breaking show...well...I watched the first episode, though it was fine...and never returned.  But if for whatever reason I had caught it

You make a really interesting point, but the serial almost certainly pre-dates television. Yes, there was a weekly production lapse, but the serial goes back to the movie theatre. I don’t know what the release schedule was like, but they would probably show a single “episode” for a week to give everyone a chance to

As another commenter said, I’m not sure Wednesday has had a meaningful cultural impact beyond Jenna Ortega’s dance and general goth revival. No one talks about the show in a meaningful way that shows it’s had an affect on people beyond being a good show, and it is a good show. I think shows like Wednesday are the

I always thought it was weird how much credit Roiland got for the success of Rick and Morty.  It seemed pretty clear to me that the “creative genius” behind the show was Dan Harmon...it’s really weird that there are Roiland Stans...

I hope Netflix learns something from this. I guarantee they wouldn’t have seen this kind of boost of the whole season had been dropped at once. When you can only consume a show one week at a time, you have a week to talk about what just happened and speculate about what’s going to happen next. On the other hand, when

I’m not sure this comment makes any real sense. The study only showed that men who perceive their penis to be small are more likely to want to buy a sports car. It is not saying that all men who buy sports cars think they have a small penis. This study doesn’t say anything about people who own sports cars, it only

I really wish movie theatres would address the increasing problem of people talking and otherwise disrupting the movie...also better projection technology would be nice.  Ever since the advent of digital cinema, there’s been little reason to see a movie in theatres when you have the same resolution or greater at

Sorry, yes 00 Agent is the hardest and seems to have the weakest auto aim. I’m finding I actually have to be very tactical, which is kind of exciting with a modern controller. As a kid I thought it was just relentlessly hard, but having grown up and with the improvement of FPS games, it’s kinda fun and I’m realizing I

It’s harder when you play on Secret Agent.  The auto aim isn’t very strong, so you have to be very precise with your movement and or aim with the sight.  You do still have to learn to play the way the game wants you to play, but you do have to take a more active approach to aiming on the higher difficulty settings. 

Yo!  This is killer!  I was wondering why the emulator didn’t have an option to remap buttons!  This makes the game actually playable.  I’ve built up too much muscle memory since this game was originally release, haha.

It’s sad that these things aren’t common knowledge...they’re in the driver’s handbook...at least in my state.

Citizen Sleeper seems interesting. Does it have any relation to the game, “Tharsis”? Tharsis is a kind of Rouge-like dice rolling space disaster strategy game.

Looks like I was wrong, thank you for pressing me. It looks like the difference between “abuse” and “abuse with mental illness” is whether or not the person does the abuse outside of their intimate relationship(s). If the person is abusive in private and in public toward everyone, then it’s likely abuse and mental

Why?  Because driving is dangerous.  The better question is why isn’t the R&D money used for self driving vehicles used for improving public transportation? If I didn’t have to walk more than 5min to get to a bus or train, nor did I have to wait longer than 5-10min for them to arrive, I would always take public

Reminds me of that trend of LED vandalism...oh LED Throwies!

What’s the difference between the Surround Sound headphones and the Atmos headphones? Isn’t Atmos surround sound with overhead channels? Aren’t Atmos systems usually defined as 7.1.2?

What’s the difference between the Surround Sound headphones and the Atmos headphones? Isn’t Atmos surround sound