
I didn’t say all mentally ill people are abusers, idk what made you make that leap...but by definition you have to be mentally ill in some way to be an abuser. It is not normal to harm another person unless they are threatening your wellbeing. Abuse is often (but not always) a characteristic of sociopathy,

Lol, they fixed the chair.  The original design was a roller chair with only three legs, two at the back, one at the front.  They stopped using the chairs at the SC Johnson office because people kept falling backward in the chairs.

I think people like Roiland and Trump are two very different people. I think in the case of Roiland, he’s a deeply troubled and mentally ill person with a compulsion for this type of behavior, whereas Trump is a sociopathic narcissist. The difference is that I think Roiland knows that what he’s doing is wrong, but

The long and the short of it is mental illness.  From what I’ve heard, Roiland is a prolific alcoholic and deeply troubled.

I wanna give the show the benefit of the doubt, but I agree with you. I’m really curious to see how they raise the stakes...but I’m really not sure how you can while still being safe and legal. The only way I can imagine they can is if they push the endurance of the contestants. Part of the allure of Squid Game was

It’s probably more expensive for them to just cancel the show outright.  I’m sure part of the deal with ordering 70 episodes is that the creators get paid for 70 episodes, and if, for whatever reason, they can’t make those 70 episodes, they’re still going to get paid for all or part of those 70 episodes.  I wouldn’t

I think there’s a difference between someone exiting a show and someone being forcefully replaced. I can’t think of an example in an animated show, but they replaced live action characters in sitcoms all the time. Notably, they completely replaced Aunt Vivian in The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.

Oh, notably, they’ve

The people worried about cancel culture...canceled cartoon M&Ms...jfc...

What’s interesting though is that the show seemed to be poking fun at and deconstructing toxic masculinity. Tim would present a traditionally toxic masculine trait, but he be called out by his wife, co-worker, and/or neighbor, he’d introspect, apologize, and grow by the end of the episode. If you’ve watched it

This is such a regressive comment...do you have proof of every single bad thing that’s ever happened to you? #BelieveWomen

Big yikes!

I think you totally misunderstood what I was saying. She’s saying that she knows for a fact that certain students can’t even put together a thought that’s half as coherent and well spoken as what ChatGPT can spit out. She’s not saying she’d take points off for a well written paper, she’s just saying she’d know who “che

Oh yeah?  Do you have a source?  I’m curious.

It’s gotta be a publicity thing...the same thing happened in 2018 and it’s what got me to buy the game.  In 2018 they raise the price of the game from $20 to $30.  In my mind I was like, “Well...I wasn’t sure the game was worth $20...but it’s certainly not worth $30...so I better get in now if I want to play it!”

This. I have no problem with a company deciding not to run sales, but their reasoning of, “respecting people who paid full price” is complete garbage...existing fans should be happy their community has the chance to grow.

They’re raising the price after 4-ish years. It went from $20-$30 in 2018.

I have no issue with them raising the price, nor do I have an issue with them not wanting to ever put their game on sale...but I do have an issue with their reasoning. The fear of upsetting the people who paid full price is absurd. Any true fan of a franchise would be excited that more people will be able to take part

My partner is a 5th grade teacher, and she’s not worried about ChatGPT even a little bit. For starters, she says it would be obvious which students would have used the AI because she’s already aware of which students aren’t capable of thinking/speaking at that level let alone write a cohesive essay.

Second, she made a

It should be noted that one of This American Life’s biggest influences was the author of “Working,” Studs Turkel.

The first one is the only good one. 10 Cloverfield Lane’s script obviously had nothing to do with the original movie and was shoe-horned into the same universe to sell it. As creepy as John Goodman is in that movie, none of the suspense was earned. The problem with 10 Cloverfield Lane is that they DID tie it into the