
and it was perfect accept...

This is so unbelievably stupid...I’m having flash backs to when I worked for a dumb CEO at a startup...

Same. Pre-Covid my cinema going experience was limited to the art house theatres. I was really only going to see movies that had a limited run (which you don’t know if or when they’ll be released for the home) or movies (old and new) that were being exhibited on 35mm or 70mm film. That was it. I would gladly go to the

Kinda my point...yet another James Cameron movie...but that’s almost not an original IP, it was based on a historical event.  Either way, that was 1997.

You took the words right out of my mouth!  I also rolled my eyes at first, but when I took half a second to think about it, the author was not at all making a judgement call.  Content warnings are great for everyone.  Hell, half the time they exist just to give people a heads up.  Someone might not necessarily have an

SEARCH ALL WARPED IN ENEMY BASES FOR WARP CRYSTALS!!!!! And if you can’t yet access a warp crystal, it means there’s enemies nearby that need to be defeated!  Some of the funniest things in the game come from the things you can warp into your world.  They’re more enjoyable if you can afford them as you go, rather than

outside of maybe fury artist...I really woudn’t call any of these weird...but maybe that’s because I have a BFA.

USBs and other external storage media are most certainly not analog...it’s still digital...physical media =/= analog.

taking place 10 years ago doesn’t mean the show should be conceptually outdated by 10 years.

Screen size was definitely a factor, but that also made the 3D more immersive.  I think they went hand in hand.  I don’t think the IMAX experience would have been the same had it been 2D.

I’ll return to the theatre when the audience can behave themselves and filmmakers actually make movies worth seeing in theatres. I’m sure Avatar 2 is absolutely worth seeing in theatres...but I’m just so not interested in anything Avatar. It came out way too late and I can’t imagine the visual feast is supported by an

Theoretically there shouldn’t be a decades long gap.  My understanding is that the other two movies have already been shot.  The VFX work is all on hold.

Precisely. All this proves is that people are willing to go to the theatre for a James Cameron movie. Or more precisely...sequels to already major franchises?  Whens the last time a new IP had similar success to the first Avatar movie?

Gonna have to disagree with you.  Seeing Avatar in 3D IMAX was easily the most immersive movie going experience I’ve ever had, solely because it was in 3D.  I could see it being more of a gimmick on a normal theatre screen, it was spectacular in IMAX 3D.

Nah, “High Tech Backdrops. We no longer need to replace the background in the computer, it can just be done live on set.” Would be my dinner party explaination. Advanced rear projection is good, but yeah, the layman probably wouldn’t even know what that means.

I agree with the core of what you’re saying, but don’t the volumetric sets use motion tracking on the camera to be able to move the camera?  Maybe it’s only to a very small degree for the sake of small, yet dynamic, camera moves.  Not something where you can change how a scene was intended to be shot.

I think calling it a very smart 12th grader is very generous. I think it’s more like a very smart 8th grader. Chat GPT can produce coherent and decently structured papers, but they do not display any kind of critical thinking or deeper understanding of a subject. The papers Chat GPT produces read like someone who is

Missed opportunity to call them, “Walk and Rollers”

When it happens to an ordinary citizen, it’s not exactly doxing...because you don’t know who they are.  If you get a notification that says, “John Smith’s house is on fire” that doesn’t mean anything to 99.99% of people.  Who the hell is John Smith?  Tying a name to an address doesn’t put that person at risk. 

Except it wasn’t obvious. “Wednesday” is owned by MGM.  Netflix had produced season 1 before MGM was acquired by Amazon.  There was speculation that there was going to be a rights dispute and that “Wednesday” may move to Amazon.