
I thought the theory was that MacReady replaced the scotch with gasoline.  In the final moment we don’t see MacReady drink the scotch, but Childs does.  Childs does acknowledge that it’s gasoline, so in that moment MacReady knows Childs is the alien.

You’re trolling, right? If you’re being honest...that’s a damn shame... I find it hard to believe that you would lack that much of a critical perspective while watching a film, especially as a writer. The movie is literally all about the mistreatment of animals (and how people of color were often treated like animals)

They really should try alternative release methods. As much as I love a good binge sesh...I don’t think it’s a good thing in terms of creating a community around a TV show and making it a part of pop culture. Releasing a season all at once makes it feel really disposable. I’d like to see them do a week to week release

It’s till worth a watch...c’mon...especially if a bunch of people start watching it now, it may hold out hope for the show to be brought back at a future date.

There’s a petition to renew 1899:

The monkey plot wasn’t at all unnecessary. Its purpose is to set an example for the treatment of the alien. Not only that, it allows us to draw a comparison to the treatment of the horse in Muybridge’s famous photo, the Jockey, and subsequently the hero and his family. The monkey is what gives us an entry point into

How did a typo make its way into the first line of the released screenplay???

Are you kidding?! It’s easily his best film to date from a “critical” perspective. It wasn’t as intense, nor as engaging, as his previous films, but those suffered from some pretty amateurish mistakes. There were many things that were completely unmotivated and were done purely for style or effect.

I don’t think Nope

Would have been cool if you embeded the pictures of the cameras...

While I agree with the review of the Playdate, it was FAR from a disappointment. I think it achieved everything it intended to do, and it was an absolute joy to play with. Although the games weren’t always engaging enough for me to keep coming back, the novel release schedule kept me excited from week to week. The

Ah yes, the original trilogy had tons of goofy comedy like Han Solo drinking from alien tits at the Cantina...give me a break...the lack of self awareness Johnson has surrounding his Star Wars movie is incredible...especially given his body of work. I still think he was forced to a lot of things by Disney Co. and now

Fer sure, it sounds like we have similar music consumption habits and taste. You’re right, pop has always been disposable to a certain degree, but I think my point (and Dylan’s) is that since popular music has become even more homogenized, it’s harder for there to be break out bands and songs which have large and long

I was gonna say this as well, which I think further plays to my point if we return to a 90min movie, you can fit more screenings of the same movie in.  That would be twice as many screenings a day as a 3hr movie.

I’ll do it.

I get the idea...but when you start hitting epic durations, you’re making something that almost literally can’t be consumed in a single sitting. You have to get up to eat, use the bathroom, stretch your legs, etc. So what’s going to happen? You’re going to pause the dang film! Not that there’s anything wrong with

I don’t think this is just an old yelling at the clouds because the times are changing...I think some of it is...but I think his point is more about an over-consumption of media in general. We’re living in the fast-food age of media consumption. It’s more ubiquitous and cheaper than ever! Someone like you might say,

lol, that’s true...that wasn’t great, but at least the Gillette razor was such an otherwise nondescript oval piece of plastic, it was easier for me to suspend my disbelief. Maybe it’s just because I’m a photo geek, but all I see is a Polaroid camera.

I know Star Wars has a long history of modifying everyday items to use as futuristic props, but that prop in Andor is so VERY obviously a Polaroid camera...it makes me really angry and comes off as really lazy.

Whites, Colors, and Reds.

Whites, Colors, and Reds.

Command + Q is so much better than having to hit the X, but I absolutely understand the frustration if you’re coming from Windows.