
The criticism seems a bit hollow coming from a publication that is riddled with ads, which it relies on.

Not very smart to keep $2mil in your CHECKING account...unless you actively have that much money constantly going in and out... *sob*

I was just acknowledging that my critique was being shouted into the void where no one cares...but if by chance some animator/filmmaker was considering doing this in their film, maybe...just maybe...they might think otherwise and use the little time gained in the runtime of their film to do something new, creative,

The problem is it’s not really a de-aging filter, it seem to basically just be a wrinkle remover.  I don’t think they look particularly younger in the after shot.  Their skin still hangs on their face like an older person.  Their facers are puffier like an older person as well.  It’s not slimming or tightening the

Gosh, I didn’t know children’s movies were exempt from criticism.

Can we stop with the random slow-mo to show how weird the animated characters face is in a high speed moment with the pitched down voice screaming?  I know kids love it...but it’s getting really old...

Yes. It absolutely is. I’d rather reach for the light switch than reach for my phone. That adds steps. That does not make the smart home easier, it makes it harder. I don’t always have my phone on me at home. I don’t want to have to unlock my phone, find the right app, find the right light, and then turn it off.

The x-axis is always the independent variable. Proficiency of a subject is the independent variable. 10% proficient is always 10% proficient independent of how much effort you put into getting there. Effort is the dependent variable because it may take one person 10hrs of work to become 10% proficient, but it may take

This is mostly an awful list...don’t buy anything for anyone who is into a niche and/or very specific hobby. They either already have the thing you’re buying, or have a strong opinion about why they don’t want it. The odd weird toys aren’t a bad idea. I think the best kinds of gifts are things a person might want, but

I really wish this wasn’t the word of the year...people have been using the word flippantly in place of just calling someone wrong, someone misremembering, or just lying about something. Gaslighting isn’t just lying, it’s making someone think they’re crazy. It’s making someone believe that their reality and perception

So?  Still has more money than you.

That’s a goat? It looks like a Dachshund.

Man, I really wish the creators of Return of the Obra Dinn would come out with another game with the same mechanic. That was so freakin’ cool!

As cool as that game was, I would NOT recommend it for n00bs...the camera controls can get confusing and frustrating even for a seasoned gamer.

And Return of the Obra Dinn.  That game is NOTHING BUT camera controls.  Even for a seasoned gamer, it can get quite confusing and frustrating at times, but I really loved that game.

Why do those TV prices seem too good to be true?  How do these compare to the $2-3K ones?

Why do those TV prices seem too good to be true?  How do these compare to the $2-3K ones?

You’re an idiot...that’s not how that works at all. It’s Federal Student Loan Debt that is being forgiven. The Federal government can decide you just don’t owe them money any more and it’s completely wiped from your account. The debt isn’t being transferred anywhere...

Rude...I googled it too...what’s wrong with trying to have a conversation...geez...

When time isn’t the independent variable. If you’re graphing somethings effect over time, time would be on the X-Axis because time moves on no matter what. But in terms of graphing a steep learning curve, you’re not graphing your knowledge simply over time (because if you don’t study, you don’t gain knowledge, even

Wait...that was a thing?

I’m sorry...but if we’re ranking the Indy movies, Last Crusade is by far the best one, and by no means are ANY of the Indy movies Spielberg’s best.  Jaws should absolutely be number one as it’s a master class of filmmaking.