
I think steep learning curve is still appropriate. Time compared to Knowledge is not the appropriate things to graph. I think the X-Axis should be Master of Subject from 0-100% and the Y-Axis should be total time, or rather effort, invested. The first 10% mastery of a subject may require much more time invested than

It depends on what your axises are. I would think of it as X=Knowledge Of Subject and Y=Time Invested. I think Steep Learning curve is 100% accurate. Time is NOT the independent variable. Knowledge, or mastery, of a subject is.  Time isn’t the independent variable because you’re not studying something ALL THE TIME.  I’

It isn’t fair to ask millions of Americans to pay for wars they don’t believe in. It isn’t fair that corporations and billionaires don’t pay their fair share. It isn’t fair that new sports stadiums no one asked for are subsidized with people’s taxes.

My realtor told us that most people wait to list their homes until after the Super Bowl.  Which, to your point about winter being a slow due to holidays and such, it seems The Super Bowl is the last festivity people want to hold onto their home for before moving.

For the love of god, could your programmers fix how images are displayed when you’re in slideshow mode?  If I’m viewing a slideshow, I should not have to scroll to see the full image.  The image should never have a vertical size greater than the height of the browser window, plus any headers and footers.  or writer -

...yeah...if you’re already intercepting the signal from someone’s regular keyboard...wouldn’t a software solution make more sense? It might not be quite as fast as a hardware solution, but you could turn the software on and off depending on what you’re using your keyboard for.  It would also help people to adopt the

Absolutely not. But it’s not that Tampons become relatable, it’s that Tampax™ becomes relatable. If Tampax makes funny and relatable tweets, the next time you’re looking at tampons in the feminine hygiene aisle, you might remember that funny Tampax tweet which may tip the scales toward purchasing Tampax instead of

It humanizes the brands and makes them more relatable.  If you feel more of an interpersonal connection to the brand, you’ll be more likely to do business with them.

Yeah, I saw it multiple times ONLY in IMAX 3D. It was truly a spectacle. The new one might equal or best the original, but since IMAX has canned so many of their film projectors and full size theatres, it might be hard to see this movie as it’s actually intended.

It’s unbelievable to me that the only REALY IMAX theatre

Holy hell! 1,250 to 3,750 streams equals ONE album sale?!?!?!? That’s totally absurd. If that’s equivalent, that means I’d have to listen to a 10 Track album 125 to 375 times before it equalled the same amount of play as streaming. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to a single album more than 100 times...but maybe I’m

LED christmas lights look like ass though...

Damn, no mention of “1899" to new series from the creators of “Dark.”  I’m surprised I’m not hearing more about this show in the Gawker publications.  Everyone was all over “Dark.”

Man, I would have been all over this in College. We would have eaten Denny’s out of house and home.

Who’s having issues with YouTube videos being too quiet???  The real problem is that most are too loud!  Does someone have an extension that has a Compressor/Limiter?

If you care about sound quality and protecting your records DO NOT buy that Victrola. I’m also like 99% certain it’s not at all made by the record player guys. The name is licensed out to some cheap Chinese company that slaps the name on their crummy product.

If you care about sound quality and protecting your records DO NOT buy that Victrola. I’m also like 99% certain it’s

You’re right, but usually when people ask that they mean to say how could so and so be held liable for “x”?

Pardon my ignorance, but I don’t understand how someone paid to do a commercial is responsible for misleading the public. I can’t imagine the unknown actors in pharmaceutical commercials are liable for promoting drugs that were known to hurt people.   Unless these celebrities were major stake holders and/or knowingly

This is really getting ridiculous. I hate to say it, but it’s probably about time we get our legislators involved. Dynamic pricing on FOOD?! That’s insane! This could be a very slippery slope toward price gouging necessities. But who knows...would dynamic pricing have prevented the great toilet paper shortage of 2020?

Why? Because the behavior is indicative of how he treats people at his other companies and how he chooses to run them. By supporting his other companies, you’re supporting this behavior.

The email says they will get three months severance. You’re right, if you quit, you’re not ENTITLED to severance, but this isn’t quitting, he’s altering the contract and the terms of their employment. This is saying if you do not agree to the new terms, you’re fired.

A judge would also rule that a reasonable person