
Any idea how the Chrome extension works?

lololol, wut?

Man, I certainly love holding potentially cool stores behind books. /s

I get where you’re coming from, but you’re basically saying that people shouldn’t push the limits of technology and entertainment for the sake of being able to appeal to more people. You can get an Oculus for $400. I know that’s not cheap, but

“So, within that 45 seconds, they’re trying to figure out, ‘What do I do in this game?’

It’s for rich morons.  They’ve always been his target market.  It’s for clout chasers.  Especially the ones who don’t understand how clout is gained in the first place.  They’re status driven.  They think clout is earned by things you can pay for.

Weird Al was 100% making a joke.  If anyone was fooled by it, they haven’t been paying attention to Weird Al for any part of his career.

Weird Al was 100% making a joke.  If anyone was fooled by it, they haven’t been paying attention to Weird Al for any part of his career.

I thought something was weird. All too frequently it seemed like shuffle was playing songs by the same artist back to back. I know with a “true” random shuffle, this is totally probable, but it happened so often, I thought something had to be wrong. It would make sense that if the algorithm is trying to find seamless

My bad! Didn’t mean to scare you!

My bad! Didn’t mean to scare you!

How to Clean Up....Clean Up.

You should add, “SEASON YOUR TURKEY!” to “Not Cooking the Turkey Well.” Put butter under the skin of the turkey, butter the skin, salt, pepper and anything else to taste. The butter helps keep the turkey moist and provides a crispy flavorful skin. Baste the turkey as needed to prevent the skin from getting too dry. I

Oh damn, that’s probably a fine player actually. I didn’t know Crosley started making decent turn tables. I thought all of their stuff was of the suitcase/all in one variety.

The biggest problem with these $50 suitcase players is that you can’t balance the tone arm.  They have a REALLY high tracking force and crummy

Oh damn, that’s probably a fine player actually. I didn’t know Crosley started making decent turn tables. I thought

I 100% agree with this. I think killing off Hopkins, while a bold an interesting movie, was ultimately a terrible choice for the longevity of the show. He brought such a gravitas to the show that no other actor could. There’s something to be said about the seemingly wise old sage” as a character, and as an actor.

is it though?  It’s a completely different story and completely different ideas.  I don’t think it’s an apples to apples comparison.  The Peripheral is less mucky, but it’s also less nuanced.  I like both for different reasons, but the Peripheral is satisfying the itch that Westworld left behind.

If you care at all about sound quality and protecting your records, DO NOT BUY a Crosley.  Get a used record player on eBay if cost is a concern.

If you care at all about sound quality and protecting your records, DO NOT BUY a Crosley.  Get a used record player

Really? I thought it was the pinnacle of watching a show TOO closely. The show was so over analyzed I couldn’t look at anything on the internet related to it because everyone was constantly trying to figure out what all of the mysteries were. It took all the fun out of watching the show when twists and reveals were

Since when has someone being dead mean that they’re actually dead in that show?

The Man in the High Castle petered out on its own. They started spinning their wheels. Not enough was happening to keep it interesting for me, so I just stopped watching. Tales From The Loop was not good...at all...it was fluffy nonsense and did not live up to the fantastical paintings it was based on. The producers

Holy shit! That’s quite the bummer! Unbelievable...

So I was right, they’re applying a compressor. It’s not audio normalization. Compressors are REALLY bad for audio that’s already been professionally mixed.