
No mention of how the layout is a swastika?

I think the problem with Star Wars is that with every new iteration, they keep trying to do something new, but all the fans every wanted was a continuation of what they fell in love with in the first place. The prequels really aren’t that bad if you judge them on their own merit, but since they weren’t really anything

God I hope you’re right.  I’m so tired of this man...

I’m not sure I understand why this revelation of how the Hunger Games came to be is so dissatisfying to you. I think it’s perfectly in line with fascism and the behavior of the wealthy elite. “How do we keep the working class in line?” “Lol, make them fight each other?” I mean, if you really find that so droll, then

I thought this episode was really poorly edited, written, and directed. It felt like they were trying to cram far too many events into a single episode. The big twist felt more like a season finale than a mid-point. To that end, I’m exited to see where they go, but I think the twist was completely unearned and had

Hold on...the strike zone isn’t based on height though, it’s based on the batters stance.

Wait a second, I thought part of the sport was to try and trick the umpire?  My partner was a catcher, and she said that part of the game was trying to catch balls in a way that would make it look more like a strike, or crowding the ump so they have a harder time reading the pitch.  Not to mention batters fuck around

If the cost of a crime is a fine, that’s not a fine it’s a price tag.

Those volume knobs make it infinitely more useful than the Streamdeck...however, the amount of time the Streamdeck has been around, coupled with all the third party developers, the Streamdeck probably has more functionality.

Ya’ll really need to format your images so they fit on screen without scrolling...

can y’all please resize your images so I don’t have to scroll to see everything?

Great...now it’ll take 5min to just play a gif...

Nice try Amazon, but I’m not falling for the cheap introductory price for the first two months and then I forget to cancel when I start paying full price...such a lame scam...

Nice try Amazon, but I’m not falling for the cheap introductory price for the first two months and then I forget to

I think Cameron has had his detractors his entire career. It’s hard not to have a massive ego when people have consistently told you you were wrong, and you continually deliver hit after hit.

No, the real social paradigm shift is to bring back intermissions. If a movie is longer than 90min there needs to be at least one intermission at most every 90min.

I totally get your point, but to be fair, Steve Jobs did more than just invent (pitch, sell?) the iPhone, he completely revolutionized personal computing. His place in history is well earned. However, I don’t think he deserves the Presidential Medal of Freedom. You’re right, he is a shitty tech billionaire, he doesn’t

How is Moonlighter not higher on this list???  It’s certainly got more polish and depth than a reverse version of Downwell...

All things being equal though, did you watch that video? It was still freakin’ weird. It gave off really weird vibes.

I agree...but I presume the reasoning for storing it on the cloud is so you can access the information from other devices or a new phone if you upgrade.