
this calculator isn't based on a subjective view of light. I'm sure it was designed after having used a light meter and took averages of light under different lighting situation. I don't know why you would create a scale/calculator that would give you a reading that would give you a very subjective representation of

...or since all cameras today have automatic modes and built in light meters, this device would be totally useless today, unless you were shooting on a medium or large format camera, which generally don't have built in light meters. but if you're going to be spending that much money on a camera and film, it's

what strength ND? .3, .6, .9? you might know about ND filters, but if you know about ND filters you should know how many stops each ND filter will knock off of your exposure. It's not tricky math.

you're camera doesn't have a built in light meter? it should. Push the shutter button in halfway and it'll tell you what a proper exposure is.

well yeah, full manual for you is easy, because every camera today has a built in light meter. the camera tells you what a "proper" exposure is, and you can make tweaks based off of that. back then, not everyone had a light meter, people had to make exposure judgements based on how much light they perceived. they

films don't flicker any more. The name comes from silent cinema when films where shot at the lower frame rate of 18fps, now they're shot and projected at 24fps, it's completely invisible to the human eye. Also, digital projectors have a shutter as well. at the very least, a virtual shutter. How do you think the

i hate lomography...this is just another pretentious thing hipsters can add to their snarky repertoire.

not a video camera. video is video, film is film. i understand that this would cause some confusion if you called this their first film camera. that's why movie cameras that shoot film are called motion picture cameras.

seriously? how does that not challenge the status quo and encourage innovation? If you can't use the slide to unlock gesture on a phone you're designing it forces you to think outside the box and develop something better.

don't put a folder in a folder, if you try to open it, it crashes

i finally got it!

One: It took forever! To download...but now that it's downloaded, it won't install...it keeps telling me there was an error restoring my iphone....

#corrections it's a "10 NANOSECONDS" error margin, not 10 milliseconds. 10 milliseconds is more than the 60 nanoseconds it's faster than the speed of light.

17 meters is 55.76 feet.

It's definitely not on the site any more...

unfortunately the guy in the picture has poor form. your arms shouldn't cross your body when you run, they should go straight forward and back.

you mean Michael C. Hall?

I think it would so long as the driver was driving the speed limit. Unfortunately this trap isn't coupled with a radar gun.

yeah for real...he only burned down like part of a back yard it seems, not even burned down...just burned.