Hunter, Gunner, Taylor on the left seem very into it- boys will be boys, y’all! But on the right what are Preston, Ridge, and Wade indicating there with those thumbs down? 10/10 would not bang? Anyway, classic Ryker- he’ll dry hump anything.
Hunter, Gunner, Taylor on the left seem very into it- boys will be boys, y’all! But on the right what are Preston, Ridge, and Wade indicating there with those thumbs down? 10/10 would not bang? Anyway, classic Ryker- he’ll dry hump anything.
And then he called it “Toledo”. I’d say “called it!”, but it’s as easy as using an AK in a Walmart. I only heard it on the radio live this morning, but I was guessing he would be reading off a TelePrompTer on such a solemn occasion. So either he went off script, the people that load the machine are incompetent, or it…
No. No. Me too! ‘later than that, but def Gen X. Aries. Good for you!
Welling up watching his plaintive call for accountability, but he beseeches a man who will just use this as “blacks love me” ammo, or otherwise bungle a truly leader like response because he is classless garbage juice, and unfit for the responsibility of comforting the nation in a time of crisis of his own making.
Antifa crisis actors disrepecting the troops again for Soros-Nike money smh
Dude it’s just economic anxiety, plain and simple- good people on both sides! Thoughts and prayers, no one cares ✌️😘 🤷♂️
King of England, cops- who don’t you hate/fear. Soldiers have bullets, too- and the army is full of minorities. When the coup finally comes, which side will they take? Pass the tinfoil, and hold the ammo! Fill yer hand pardner- hot lead for everyone!
Asked you first
Fatuous equivocation is fatuous, but I’m going to say that your second—and more typical example—is at least blood vendetta or armed robbery (mostly because poverty, easy to digress into the erosion of a middle class due to union busting by and for Republican power consolidation). The first example are guns in the…
What if someone just set up a gun to fire remotely, which goaded everyone who pulled their concealed carries to shoot each other- next level trolling! Condolences to any bystanders, but....
Yeah but we fucking own mass shootings- top o’ the food chain, baby
What are your views on “actual race”
Points for “Trumpanzee”*
Nobody would ever rob Trey Gowdy, all he owns are upper lip sweat wipes. Hard to fence for meth!
I honestly wouldn’t worry about it
Reprising Altamont feels more appropriate, these days.
Dude’s still Putin’s lap dog, and a moronic attention whore, and everyone knows at this point it was just silver spoons and not business acumen that made him look like a bootstrappy genius- the racism is just gravy. But furthermore- are there really “good people on both sides”?
I agree confederate statues shouldn’t be torn down- they should be lowered in to the ground and left open as public shitters for. Starbucks would love to stop paying for all that toilet paper— “Hey what’s the bathroom code today, please?” Baristas would be thrilled
*but now some white people move on and roll their eyes
What kind of man hits a 9 year old girl?