Some say 1/4...Suck, SQUEEZE, Bang, Blow... ;)
Some say 1/4...Suck, SQUEEZE, Bang, Blow... ;)
I mean, to be fair, all internal combustion engines “suck”...that’s kind of their job...
Really gotta give the edge to the Subaru Sambar. So much glass it looks like you’re in a fishbowl!
Hmmm...I know that you’re joking, but I think this could actually work, and it would make a great new feature. Call it, “Jalop-busters” or “Mythopnik,” I don’t know (I’m sure Torch already has a name and some mock-up artwork/graphics ready to go).
Just another cocky Navy pilot dicking around. But seriously, he’ll be lucky if he doesn’t get the shaft for this.
I think that others have clearly demonstrated that the answer to all of your questions is largely, “yes,” but I think that what you’re getting at is whether or not widespread adoption of these technologies has had a more positive or negative impact on the poor. I would say that the answer is conditionally positive,…
I’m so tired of the overwrought “cost-control” measures implemented into F1. If your real goal is to control costs, set a spending cap that includes Driver salary AND development costs. Teams that spend a majority of their budget on developing a better car may struggle to attract top driving talent...I know Mercedes,…
I believe this car falls squarely within the Reflexive Conundrum of French Automotive Affordability - RCFAA (patent pending). That is, “I can’t afford to own a French car that I can afford to buy.” More elegantly (albeit confusingly) stated, “I can’t afford a French car that I can afford.”
I can’t believe I’m going to defend the indefensible, particularly since American V8's were deplorably low on power during this era. However, I don’t think the 454 big block ever made less than 200hp. I believe the lowest power iteration made something like 230HP, but also had a stonking 400 lb ft. of torque.
Oh, I always give myself an out, keep the bike in gear and ready to get out of the way, with my head on a swivel, but I still don’t like a 2-ton murder machine right up on my tire. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for a few feet of space.
FCA product worth buying (at least used): Fiat 500 Abarth
“mama bear just right...”
I, unfortunately, do a lot of my riding in city traffic in a state where lane-splitting is illegal. The thing that pisses me off more than anything is when I’m stopped at a light and a driver pulls up inches behind my rear tire. I usually pulse my brake to get their attention when I have a chance to watch them…
Oh Man! This makes me miss my 1986 200SX Turbo! That car was a revelation when I got it. With it’s IRS, dropping the clutch would cause the rear to squat down as it launched off the line, chirping it’s tires through 3rd gear.
I think that Volvo attained automotive perfection in 1980 with the 242 (in both DL and GT trims).
I’ve seen TV crime shows. Just zoom & enhance, then we should be able to see the face of the driver reflected in a nearby storefront window.
I definitely don’t want a spec series. Formula One is interesting precisely because it is a driver AND team sport. Arguably, the reason for cyclical domination of teams who have managed to execute on the formula better than other teams is due to the complexity and restrictiveness of the formula.
Brown, 4WD, Manual wagon w/ a Straight-6?! The only way this could be more Jalop, is if it had a small truck bed as well?!
I was reading along thinking this was a great idea, until I considered the challenge of replacing/repairing a damaged cable.
I hit an (indicated) 112mph on my Triumph Bonnie, but that was probably pretty far off the actual speed. I used to joke that the only way I’d be able to match the top speeds of my sportbike riding friends would be if I pushed my bike out of an airplane.