Making episodes long just because you can doesn’t make them good.
Making episodes long just because you can doesn’t make them good.
Last bullet point in this review is spot-on. Of all places to set a show like this, presenting Montgomery, Alabama as a locale where the white people were pretty cool about integration and spoke in hushed tones about MLK’s death displays a willful lack of historical knowledge. Check out the book Bending Toward Justice …
The families in Malcolm In The Middle and The Middle weren’t middle class, they were working class families. Just because they live in a house don’t make them middle class.
There were some similarities between the two shows, and they seemed to kind of give a nod to that when Jane Kaczmarek showed up to play Frankie’s dental assistant teacher.
Yes, that was the point the review was making about MLK.
I can’t tell if the braids are supposed to be real or not in-universe, Kelly doesn’t seem to have the length and volume of hair for those braids. I thought it was supposed to be like the Batwoman cowl with a built-in wig to obfuscate her identity.
The first movie was Aliens?
The greatest opening-sequence-is-canon is still the “Females are strong as hell” guy news-witness from the “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” theme, appearing in the season 1 finale to drop some wisdom on Titus.
I have to assume most voters didn’t actually watch this season and just remember her being good in the series as a whole.
Unrelated, but I’m dumb as a brick and after like years have realized that you might also be the apathymonger from the Earwolf subreddit, in which case heya! I go by jayhankedlyon over there!
Also, Parker graduates about halfway through the film, so Maguire doesn’t play a teenager for very long.
I know nothing about Ben Platt, but from the pictures, not only does he not look like a teenager, but he looks older than the stated age of 27.
Colin Robinson said his mother was a bore...and still is. Even though he doesn’t remember her, he’s hinting she’s still alive? And will of course be making an appearance soon?
Jia Tolentino absolutely thinks she should win “Miss Generational Inspiration”.
Natalie Morales will always be Wendy “Dub Dub” Watson to me, but I am happy for her to get a variety of roles & attention
Murderer, yes. Cold-blooded? No. She was emotionally, and potentially telepathically, manipulated to do it.
Try Mira Grant. She writes us living with a semi-contained zombie menace. Great stuff.
Episode 1: Doogie starts work at the hospital, discovers it doesn’t have enough PPE for the staff. She’s forced to re-use an n95 mask, intended for single use, for a week straight and works 20 hour shifts tending to unvaccinated Covid patients.
He might be a nice guy in most areas of his life, but I won’t forgive him for headlining a COVID-denier/anti-masker rally in my parent’s hometown last summer at the height of the COVID pandemic. This event was chud’s-choice of local far-right ideologues, all of which espousing the idea that COVID wasn’t something to…
I am not saying this is Fieri’s situation AT ALL. Please, please understand that. But Google “Jimmy Savile.”