They should totally hire her to replace Chibnall. Please, BBC.
They should totally hire her to replace Chibnall. Please, BBC.
If only there were some show on Disney+ that Ruffalo is co-starring that’s about Hulks where this could be explored. Dang, oh well, guess we’re out of luck.
She’s 100% correct tho. I’ve felt for several years that the original movies streaming services put out feel.... off somehow. They often feel hollow and small. They appear and disappear with little fanfare, getting replaced by the next one that will be gone from memory after 5 seconds.
It’s incredibly funny to me how a pretty innocuous comment is somehow seen as something that is destroying her reputation (as opposed to the fact that she makes mediocre superhero movies for grown-up children). There are millions of people who get mad online like it’s their full-time job.
No doubt. She absolutely makes the most of the little screen time she has and her part is so memorable. It’s probably one of my favorite scenes in that movie.
It’s basically how I read this interview.
Buddy, you have to look up how odds work. “1:1" means it’s a 50% chance.
Didn’t mean to leave y’all hanging. The most I can say is I got a job as a showrunner’s assistant on an upcoming streaming series.
But will the animatronic fox still want to marry my dad?
Oh, don’t do that. Homophobia doesn’t literally mean scared of gay people. The phrasing is also used to refer to dislike or prejudice. This isn’t new, and you’re being disingenuous.
I can’t even imagine Cats does Countdown without him. I’m so sad about this. RIP to the world’s greatest carrot in a box player.
Nooooooooooo. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Noooooooooooo, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Pepsi has to be able to legally buy a weapon of war.
“Yes, the deranged old man from Don’t Breathe is now a #girldad, struggling with his daughter’s practically Disney-ready dreams: She wants to be where the people are, even if that just means spending more time with the kids from the local group home she sees around town”
It would be nice if people could compliment this show without talking about how much they hate Discovery and Picard! I like pretty much all the new Trek stuff, although none of its perfect.
Making the episode even more inexplicable is that unlike the rest of the fairly tightly plotted show, you could skip it entirely and not miss a single thing. Some fans even suspect Thompson wasn’t given any kind of guidance by Moffat and Gatiss beyond the basic idea of Sherlock and Watson in the present day, which led…
For me, it’s the letter about the former codebreaker who was placed into care home and left a cryptic note for their son:
I feel bad for her but she really shouldn't have let the adult predator groom her when she was a kid. It was the 90's after all!
The 9/11 Peter O’Hanrahahanrahan bit, while probably written and aired a bit too soon, is an absolute masterpiece.