
I thought the problem withe prequels was not that they existed, but were written by hacks.

I honestly don’t know what to believe anymore. Like part of me is like “these dudes clearly hate each other IRL, it wasn’t an act” and another part of me is like “ok so they’re gonna drive a dump truck full of cash up to the Rock’s house and then the final installment is gonna be the big return of Hobbs.”

Debris. Debris did NOT deserve it more than this show. Thankfully, that isn’t happening showing some degree of sanity.

The difference is that Endgame can make double its $300m budget in its opening international weekend. Tracking the profits for a subscription-based television/streaming service is trickier.

CNN already doesn’t create enough content for ONE 24 hour news network and just beats the shit out of the same four stories every day, they think they can support a streaming service?

I just recently read the Billion Dollar Loser, but now I’m kind of wishing that I had waited to read this one instead.

Ugh why? I knew he was planning on staying past Whittaker and didn’t quite think through how long that would be. He’s just not good as a showrunner for DW. Apparently he can’t make them in a reasonable amount of time and the results are just meh.

Can she take over Doctor Who please, Chibnall needs to go.

It’s...off-screen? Like, they just didn’t bring the dog back on the show. The dog is fine. And you know pets die in real life, right?

The very last episode was fine, but the two or three seasons leading up to that, oof. 

he seemed very out of place”

Hilariously appropriate that Alec Baldwin is in this — the whole time I was listening to the Dr. Death podcast (which is excellent, btw), I kept picturing Baldwin’s asshole surgeon character in Malice as Duntsch.

Much like Rise of Skywalker, Into Darkness is devoted almost exclusively to pandering to the fans, but in all the wrong ways.

The main problem with the whole Khan reveal in Into Darkness wasn’t that everyone knew it already. The problem was that it didn’t matter. I recall some reviewer at the time being somewhat baffled that the film’s big twist was that a man’s name was different from what he had originally said it was.

Maybe it’s because one of the people I follow on Twitter is a lesbian who wants an army of these, but I thought it was "Femboy Island" at first.

There are reports that filming on Season 2 begins in January 2022. This season, filming started in January 2020, was halted in March, resumed in November and finished in December.

So, four months, probably less without COVID protocols.

Ant-Man and Wasp: Quantumania has a release date of February 17, 2023.

My point is

No, the implication was that all the other Lokis died. The Old!Loki was a variant because didn’t die, but the TVA didn’t notice him until the first interacted with something as that was the first time he affected the timeline.
