
My theory is they’ve no idea what they’re doing and this is just something to make them seem busy.

Yeah, I’m not even sure if I’ve seen every episode. I didn’t start watching regularly until S5; there could be some in S3-4 I’ve never caught in repeats.

With Buffy, I watched the pilot, and then skipped to Inca Mummy Girl, and caught up on the stuff in between later on.

If you can, it’s worth getting a HDMI cable to connect your computer to your TV. Much easier to use than AppleTV, Chromecast, etc.

Young Justice could be tied up with the old series. It’s been confirmed it’ll be on Teletoon in Canada. I think Cartoon Network have the UK rights.

I think Danny the Street has been confirmed. I didn’t realise this was Jeremy Carver; he always had some of the best Supernatural episodes.

If it helps the service will probably be folded into the Warners subscription service at the end of the year, especially as they announced the other day that that will have original DC shows.

I’m hoping Netflix picks this up outside the US, like Titans, but nothing’s been announced yet.


This is a Netflix movie outside the US, which seems about right.

Yeah, if I hadn’t only read it a few months ago I wouldn’t have noticed. It’s mostly notable for how little of it sticks. Esk doesn’t show up again until almost 30 years after, and it even ends with the wizards deciding they’re going to start taking in female students, which is never mentioned afterwards.

It’s okay, but I felt all the Wizards stuff was shoehorned in. They pretty much just repeat the bit from Equal Rites with Granny having a past relationship with the Archchancellor, now Ridcully. The plotting felt a bit clunkier than usual too, and the Shakespeare jokes didn’t really work for me either.

I’d say Night Watch is the best, which I’ve just gotten through. The best run is probably from Witches Abroad through Feet of Clay, which only has Lords and Ladies as the lone not-great one in the middle.

41 Novels, though he wrote a bunch of non-Discworld stuff too. The first few are fairly weak, but they’re all worth reading.

I’m in the home stretch of my Discworld re-read, having just started on Monstrous Regiment.

At this point, I just fit them where I can. I can generally remember where most of them are based on when I bought them, if they’re hardcover or paperback, size, and whether I liked it a lot (in which case it gets displayed more prominently).

Technically five! “I,” “Am,” “Groot,” “We,” and “Are.

She’s said she was “more into girls at the moment” or something like that.

Another Bill Lawrence show!

Modelland! Release the sequel novels, Tyra!