That Danny Boyle movie she’s in is supposed to be filming either now or soon, so she might be busy with that.
That Danny Boyle movie she’s in is supposed to be filming either now or soon, so she might be busy with that.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.’s season finale is called “The End.” I don’t think they’re planning on a sixth season.
The season finale is called “The End.” I think they know they’re not getting a Season 6.
The audio versions of his books Not My Father’s Son and You Gotta Get Bigger Dreams are both great.
Nobile mentioned on today’s James Bonding podcast that the guy funding the magazine also plans to make low-budget practical-effects horror movies under the Fangoria label.
It’s obvious the dusted heroes will all be back - Spidey has a sequel filming this summer - but Gamora died before that.
I think she’ll definitely be in Part 2, but it’s possible she’s not coming back because:
It’s on Prime everywhere but America.
Disney’s Scandal season 7
the show remains one of ABC’s highest-rated offerings
Connery had essentially checked out at that point though. OHMSS with him in it wouldn’t be OHMSS.
For anyone else who hasn’t time to rewatch S1, this Screen Junkies video does a pretty good job of summarising everything that happened, in chronological order:
Great episode, especially that montage. Maze was scary at the end there.
He was in the Ceramics Room episode; he’s the one who’s locker they dismantled.
Then again, Coon, who gave another superb dramatic performance in Fargo season three last year, could just sit there pondering the futility of existence and we’d still want to shed a tear watching her expressive face.
If you haven’t seen it, the movie Night Owls is worth watching for a more dramatic turn from him (and a great performance by Rosa Salazar). It’s on Netflix.
Until LaToya Ferguson pointed it out in her review, I completely missed that the kid in Switcheroo was “Little Andy Cunanan.”
Via Myles McNutt on Twitter:
Hardy is 40, Capone died at 48. How much older an actor do you want to cast?
The Jason Mantzoukas episode of Doughboys was great for many reasons, but the deep dive into Wiger’s Heathcliff obsession was my favourite part.