Say what you want about bad calls, but seriously with the ref “celebrating”? You could post the whole video where clearly he’s laughing while telling players to calm down and not start a fight.
Say what you want about bad calls, but seriously with the ref “celebrating”? You could post the whole video where clearly he’s laughing while telling players to calm down and not start a fight.
Maybe you could suggest a new place you want to take everyone to (i.e., pay), then order because you know it? Yeah, you’d have to foot the bill, but that’s better than this bullshit.
I’m with you ... but more for the fact that my father-in-law believes — to his core — that the only better leader than Trump is Putin. Because “they don’t take any shit from anyone”. I’ve never detested holiday get-togethers more.
You never got the easy one out of the way?
You nailed it. My wife’s friends (ok, I guess theyre mine too) do that “foodie” shit where about 20 of them get together at a restaurant and want to “get some things to share.” But the plates are meant for, at best, two people and I see five or six hands dipping in and at the end I got a small ass plate with 1/16th of…
And it’s fed by right-wing media. That “ISIS coming over the border” nonsense was pulled straight out of Frank Luntz’s ass and broadcast over Fox, Limbaugh, ClearChannel, and the rest in their network of paranoia and delusion.
Hate to break this to ya but once that system goes into place, they’re called clerks... not salesman..... and they get about $10-12/hr.
If your job doesn’t pay you enough, find another one. The consumers don’t owe you money because you “work hard”.
I’ve never had a salesman add anything to the sale of a vehicle, not once, not ever, hell I’ve never even had one that didn’t function as an obstacle to buying the car. I have on the other hand walked away from a few dealers because the salesman either wouldn’t stop laying, or tried way too hard to sell me something I…
You know the beauty of buying bananas? I don’t have a salesperson trying to sell me bananas. I know I want bananas. I know I want 6 bananas. I know the condition of the bananas I want. I don’t need some idiot telling me I really want 4 apples.
This is a system the dealerships created. It’s not the customer’s fault you don’t make much money when they get the best deal. If you don’t want to sell them a car at a certain price you have the choice not to. Just like the customer has the choice to take a better offer elsewhere.
$80 on a block of wood with no built-in electronics is asinine.
$80 on a block of wood with no built-in electronics is asinine.
“and I hope that they do”
Cool. Are we gonna get a recap of Sunday’s NLD or what? I know the Deadspin staff are die-hard Gooners (it autocorrected that to “Goobers”—which is accurate) but... it would be nice to do some revelling TBH.
WHat others have said plus the fact that they’re trying to maximize next year’s contract, which means flashing some excellent production this year. Memories are too short to rely on your heroics front two years ago.
not being a dick at all but:
Maurice Clarett is an example of why you don’t do this.
how amazing would it have been if they rolled the ball inbounds and UNC ran away from it to avoid an incidental foul and UK ran away from it hoping it would go out of bounds, and millions of people just watched with bated breath as a ball slowly rolled 90 feet in anticipation of whether or not someone would…
then builds bigger garages in the ashes of their homes.