
Spoken like a true leftist, then. Full of ideas about how everyone else should spend their own money to benefit you.

Using “consequences” and “alleged” in the same sentence like this is not a good look.

What alternative are candidates offering? Are we talking amnesty for everyone? Anyone who makes it to the US gets to stay? No one should be deported?

Hold up..... So, deporting people who are here illegally at all is now terrible?

What the fuck?

“Right, but that doesn’t happen.”

It’s funny how some people have this idea that others are not allowed to have an opinion and must not speak on sacred topics. 

Yea you are right, parents should do whatever their children say.

lol imagine the alternative universe where you were born ten years later and are today a detransitioning sex offender. We’re in the clown world. 

I find it very odd that so many people are hating on his comments. He never once said that he didn’t support trans people or that you should hate your child (mind you Child) if they are trans he just said that putting them on body altering drugs that could potentially harm them in fact when I was little at exactly 4

Well it’s remarkable how the news outlets have almost universally manipulated what he said. His quote is pretty darn clear - deciding your 3 year old is transgender because they say they are the opposite sex is silly and dangerous. Why? Because they’re *three years old*. Nowhere does he say trans kids shouldn’t be

Anyone who lets their 3 year old do the parenting is an unfit parent. 


The conversation would be more like

California: “gotta turn over your tax returns

Uh, no. Those countries are in that respect very similar to America, which you’d have realized if you’d spend even three minutes googling instead of being a fucking idiot.

The rich pay about the same in taxes now as they did in the 50s. In the meantime, hundreds of millions are lifted out of poverty and global hunger is replaced with global obesity.

No one cares, clown.   What do you have to say to his point?  

That’s not what a sales tax is. A sales tax is on the sale of a good (i.e., a transaction), not the purchasing of it. The person selling it pays the tax. They simply pass the cost of the tax onto the consumer, but they’re the ones paying it to the government.

So many problems with this:

Putting aside the obvious reality that placing a tax on something that has already, at least theoretically, been taxed is almost certainly a political impossibility, I’m curious about how you would implement such a tax even if you could, which you can’t.