
Tucker - “Don’t you think immigrants should just come to the United States legally and learn to speak English in order to assimilate and communicate with other American citizens

“MONEY IS THE ENEMY” writes Hamilton Nolan, who demanded a union for his workplace so that he could...get more money while also not getting fired for having takes equivalent to an 8th grader’s understanding of the world.

Can Splinter do away with the “How Things Work” filing category, especially for Hamilton Nolan’s 7th grade thoughts about capitalism/socialism? Or is this now just a satire series?

The “gun show loophole” is the ability for people to freely sell their firearms in a private transaction. That’s it. Any dealer table you go to at any gun show is going to run a background check, and if they don’t, they are 100% breaking the law and should be reported to the ATF. But please, go to a gun show and tell

I’m a second generation generation immigrant (not in america though) and what has driven me and my sister to work maybe not super hard, but at least make an effort, is not some kind of noble wish to repay the country that took us in, or make our parents proud of us to thank them for their sacrifices. It’s that we

How is this even controversial? Illegals should absolutely be barred from US public school system. They have no right to be here and they dont pay property taxes that fund public education.

I wasn’t aware Tlaib was in to BDSM.

If you mean, one is the President of the USA, and the other a withered old nobody, then yeah, I guess he lost.

Israel agreed to what she asked, and then she grandstanded and pretended to change her mind after the fact. In reality, her mind was always made up to do this, and she decided it was more important to score cheap political points than to see her family.  This is so obvious that the people who pretend not to understand

The KKK had virtually collapsed in this country by the 90's and it sure wasn’t because you read about them in the news every day (you didn’t). When you combine the always-on 24 hour news cycle, record low trust in both the news media and institutions, instantaneous sharing of information across multiple platforms, AND

Most of the people who show up to counter protest the handful of white supremacists that are at these events aren’t “antifa”. They’re people with leftist views, usually some sort of anarchists, who like anonymous violence against people they don’t like. I mean, everyone who isn’t a fascist is technically antifa in

Well that’s strange. Ted Wheeler, the Democratic and Progressive AF mayor of Portland doesn’t want White Nationalist or Antifa to show up and commit violence in his city.

I wish everyone could agree to just stop showing to the right wing’s stupid rallies. Just let them walk around alone with their helmets for a few hours and watch some Netflix or something. Stop giving them attention.

More identity politics from the Dems.

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Her grandmother disagreed.

Screwing over your grandma to own the GOP.

Yup. We’d have no issue shaming someone who never showers, but apparently lazy gluttons have become a protected class (and don’t give us this genetics BS; genetics haven’t tripled our obesity rate in the last generation).

Andrew Yang taking jabs at the POTUS’s weight and physical fitness = Bad.

Fatass to fatass, have you considered just trying to lose some weight since it bothers you so much?