
If Splinter bloggers have an opinion, it must be the truth!

That hysterical woman Tlaib called Israel “occupied territory” today and this is the bullshit you decide to write about?

....and a personality that people can actually rally behind. You glossed right over a leader's most important trait.'re that guy. Amartes guy in the room, yet never accomplishing anything. Spare me.

No, shitbird. We just don't want to discuss it at all. It's over. If these places want to create a blacks only tour so everyone can wail and gnash their teeth, so be it.

Flagged again dickhole.

We do admit it. The next words out of our collective mouths is - "ok, move on".

Yeah, because we'd be much better off with whatever the liberal hive mind comes up with as a replacement. You guys can't even figure out which bathroom to use.

That was just our way of placating you whiny little shits. I have no idea why the people down here give two flying fucks what you guys think.

Except it is working for most people. The ones it isn’t working for would always be the shits no matter what system we lived under.

It's just cgo. Send this guy to the comment dumpster.

Omg with the lib woman hot prases of the moment. Stop this shit already.

Thank you for your service as hall monitor, little cunt.

Not surprised that you didn't get 50+ stars on your reasonable and well thought out comment.

Incorrect. You’re obviously not in the construction industry. The game is much more complex than you assume.

Hates freeloading pieces of shit = scared of brown people. You silly little bitch.

Tlaib and the PLO? Dead on.

Lol this mother fucker still believes in polling stats.

Please dismiss fuckboy cgo straight into Kinja hell.

Fuck you and your sjw “gaslighting”. God Damn, yall’s buzzwords get more annoying every year.