
Correct. Pronoun promotion is a minimal threat to anyone and that’s why we need to stop doing it ASAP. Flyovers and other folks think it’s stupid and Trump & Co are kicking field goals all day on the topic. It’s math. How many voters are we really attracting by demanding that someone use specific pronouns, especially

Progressives: “Hell yeah, another dead migrant! I’m going to get so many likes on the internet for this!”

The Mexican national died at Piedmont Midtown Medical Center in Columbus, with staff there identifying his preliminary cause of death as cardio-pulmonary arrest. Secondary causes of death were listed as multi-organ system failure; endocarditis, or an infection of the inner linings of the heart; diluted cardiomyopathy,

They couldn’t make it work in Vermont, possibly the most ideal state in the union to enact such a policy. What makes you think it would work for the entire US? How have any of the candidates addressed these specific issues and adapted it to the US as a whole which has an overall higher uninsured rate, lower per capita

I’ve had good employer-provided insurance for 20+ years, and even when I started my own business last year, I was still covered by my wife’s good employer-provided insurance. The deductibles are reasonable, co-pays are fine, and the coverage is good.

Bwaha ha ha love how liberals judge. The pro kill the fetus, everything free, (because the majority are pretty big, and can’t use that liberal arts degree ...”yo we need free shit! Mom can’t pay foreverything )welcome illegals (we are pro choice but cry for illegal kids )free free free posse. Pretty soon they’ll all

Narrator: “Except there was no collusion and no obstruction. It was all a fantasy.” contend that it never meant anything, then?

I should note that saying that immigrants are threatening the “culture” of the country, rather than the “color,” is equally dangerous and bigoted’

I mean, it’s not any better than how they link back to themselves when they’re trying to support their position. “Check out this article I wrote previously for proof that my position is sound” isn’t anything I remember from English, Philosophy, or law classes. 

Omar really does not like Jewish people.

Or, alternatively, if you keep screeching RACISM at the top of your lungs 24x7 you’ll surely pick up votes in all the swing districts that gave Democrats the majority in 2018

So you guys criticize Republicans for not denouncing racism. Then they do, and it’s still not good enough. And then you wonder why they don’t speak against this shit...

The “squad” seems more than happy to dish shit on others but unable to take anything back.

This explains Obama’s presidency pretty well.

Here is the Minneapolis Star-Tribume, the largest newspaper in Ilhan Omar’s home state, reporting on the very odd circumstances of her marriages including the very real possibility that she married her brother and committed immigration fraud and has some tax issues.

I doubt he’s afraid of much.

You know if Hill Dawg was president (which these commenters preferred over Trump) Epstein would be a free man. There’s no way she’d allow an investigation like this to happen when there is concrete evidence that Billy flew on the Lolita Express at least 26 times with dozens of teenage girls.

Ah, so you do care about sex trafficking of children.  Well then, how about we secure our borders to stop some of that?

Yea everything you said at the end is wrong. You dont get to assault anyone over words or beliefs. You belong in jail if you do.